Friday, May 9, 2014


[The scene fades in showing Crash MuscleGate and Frederic St. Pierre backstage, standing together and staring off camera. The camera turns towards where they are looking, showing a door with the label “Lovable Liam <3” on it. The door opens up, Liam talking to someone as he exits]

Liam: ...Sounds great! I really think this will work out! Oh! Hi Crash. Hi Frederic.

Crash: Liam...Liam Liam Liam Liam. You disappoint me Liam. I expected you and Frederic to beat each other so badly, that one of you would be unconscious and not be able to get up by the count of three. But tapped out. You QUIT the MuscleGang! How could anyone quit the MuscleGang?

Liam: I was in a lot of pain...I could have been seriously injured!

Crash: You know what you do when you get injured? You rehab! And you could have gone to me for that rehab! But nope. You're a quitter. A failure.

Frederic: Un perdant!

Crash: I don't know what that means, but it's probably an insult! Right?

Frederic: You are correct!

Crash: See? Frederic and I are on the same page. We're not like you.

Liam: Guys, I'm really sorry, but-

Frederic: Please, please. No more excuses. Liam...I say this as a former ally....I believe it is best if you quit NRWL, just like you quit the MuscleGang. You save yourself embarrassment and pain.

Liam: I can't do that! I already found myself a new friend!

Crash: Ooooh! A new friend! Wow! Way to go!

Liam: And he and I challenge the two of you to a tag team match!

Frederic: Uh oh! Crash, I am afraid! Perhaps we should run?

Crash: Maybe! What if Liam makes us fight him and....Adorable Andy?

Frederic: Haha! Or better yet, maybe Delightful Derrick?

Liam: Or perhaps, the man that neither of you have ever managed to pin cleanly in sixteen matches, Oden Schreiner?

[The smiles on Crash and Frederic's faces fade away, as Liam knocks on the door he had exited from. Moments later, the door opens up, and out steps a very tall, very muscular man]

Crash: Whoa whoa whoa! Wait, he can't wrestle in the NRWL! This isn't possible!

Frederic: We do not accept this match! It is unfair! We are not properly prepared!

Oden: Accept the match!!! Or else I fight you now without rules!!! Without a ref!!! And with as much violence as possible!!!

Crash: We accept! A fair, two on two tag match, in a ring! That is what we want. It's not that we're uhh....afraid. We're just...not properly warmed up. Yeah! And judging by the veins throbbing in your arms, we assume you are, indeed, warmed up. first, right? Right! Come on Frederic, let's go!

[Crash tugs at Frederic's arm, and the two quickly walk off, looking over their shoulder. Liam smiles in delight, while Oden looks on, adorably angry]