Sunday, July 31, 2011

Results For July 31, 2011

Singles Match
Ingoyama vs. Marty Anderson

Ingoyama starts off by tossing Marty out of the ring. MArty pulls Ingoyama out and both men brawl outside. Both men enter the ring and have a fistfight. Ingoyama drops Marty with a sleeper hold into a neck breaker. Marty works on Ingoyama's arm and throws him off the ropes for a hip toss. Ingoyama throws Marty to the mat and then tosses him into the corner. After some body shots, he elbows Marty in the back of the head. Both men trade blows. Marty dodges another elbow to the head but it s hip tossed to the mat. Ingoyama hits a big back suplex to Marty. Marty drives Ingoyama's down with a neckbreaker across the knee. Marty puts Ingoyama into a standing suplex and drops him face down. Marty hits a backstabber, throws Ingoyama off the ropes and delivers a spine buster. Marty pins Ingoyama for a three count to win the match.

Winner: Marty Anderson in 4:42

Singles Match
Pedro Muchacho vs. Slugger Malone

Both men lock up and Slugger hits a hip toss to start things off. Sluggers hits a russian leg sweep and starts slamming Pedro's head into the mat. Pedro comes back with an elbow to the back of the head. Slugger throws Pedro to the corner and spears him. Pedro takes several punches to the face on the mat. Pedro throws Slugger off the ropes and hits a drop kick. Pedro hits a few punches and then hits Slugger with the dropkick to the back. Pedro works a series of kicks until Slugger falls out the ring. Slugger comes back in. Pedro runs off the ropes but falls and catches an elbow to the head while on the mat. Slugger uppercuts Pedro. After another spear int he corner, Pedro is setup in the tree of woe where he he takes kicks the stomach. Pedro comes back with a DDT to Slugger. Slugger delivers one of his own. Slugger throws Pedro off the ropes and throws Pedro down with a hip toss. Slugger avoids a spin kick. Slugger starts controlling the match but is kicked again over the ropes to the outside. Slugger immediately comes back in and both men starts trading fists. Slugger hits another DDT. Slugger locks Pedro in a full nelson and gets a win by submission.

Winner: Slugger Malone in 5:52

Backstage Brawl
Doomsday vs. Johnny Young

Doomsday meets Johnny in a locker room. Both men trade blows but Doomsday brings over a chair. Before it can be used, Johnny kicks Doomsday and then power bombs his head into the wooden lockers. Johnny slams Doomsday's head into the bench press several times but Doomsday eventually breaks it and starts to keeps Johnny to the ground with several stomps. Doomsday hits a bulldog and then hits Johnny with a chair. Johnny takes the chair and hits back. Doomsday gets the chair and hits Johnny again. Johnny slams Doomsday with a belly to belly suplex. Doomsday trades blows with Johnny. Johnny trips Doomsday and then hits a running neck breaker. With Doomsday on the floor, Johnny takes the barbell from the bench press and drills him in the head with it. Doomsday takes it off Johnny and tries to use it but is stopped. Johnny takes the barbell again and hits Doomsday several times. Johnny follows up with another suplex. Both men trade blows. Johnny hits a big clothesline that knocks Doomsday out to win the match.

Winner: Johnny Young in 5:00

Singles Match
Mikey Armstrong vs. Abbadon

Abbadon hits Mikey with an elbow to the head. Mkey tries to keep Abbadon to the mat but fails. Mikey strikes Abbdon and knocks him out of the ring. When Abbadon comes into the ring, Mikey slides out and takes a few moments to regroup. He drops Abbadon to the mat but Abbadon quickly gets up and both men trade blows. Mikey hip tosses Abbadon and delivers a few elbows. Mikey somehow lifts Abbadon into a vertical suplex. Mikey delivers a DDT to Abbadon from the top rope but Abbadon quickly changes Mikey fortune by spearing him into the corner. Mikey is punched several times by Abbadon but manages to put Abbadon in the corner. Abbadon reverses and starts working on Mikey's arm. While Mikey taunts Abbadon to get a crowd reaction, he gets punched in the face. Abbadon hits Mikey with a full nelson slam. Mikey tries to fist fight with Abbadon but loses. Abbadon tries to gorilla press Mikey but Mikey slides out and counters with a german suplex. Abbadon tries for a chokeslam but Mikey avoids it. Mikey goes to the outside by Nick Belhor but slides back into the ring without an encounter. Mikey hits a side suplex to Abbadon. Mikey tries to capitalize but Abbadon avoids his attempts. Mikey succeeds in hitting Abbadon with a body slam! Mikey runs off the ropes and is slammed to the mat. Mikey again avoids a body press and surprises Abbadon with a german suplex. Mikey attempts a pin. Despite Nick Belhor's interference, Mikey gets the pin fall and wins the match.

Winner: Mikey Armstrong in 7:52

Singles Match
Meinrad von Brakkus vs. Apollyon

Apoillyon stars out with strikes and big chokeslam to start things off against Meinrad. Meinrad comes back with a hip toss off the ropes. Apollyon delivers a jawbreaker followed by another chokeslam. Meinrad puts Apollyon the top ropes but is unable to capitalize. Apollyon steps on Meinrad's head and then delivers a big headbutt. Meinrad is chokeslammed to the mat. Meinrad gets Apollyon to the outside of the ropes and then punches Apollyon to the floor. Apollyon comes back in and hits a bulldog on Meinrad. Both men trade blows but Apollyon takes over with a clothesline. Meinrad comes back with an elbow to the head and then works the back of Apollyon with strikes. Apollyon throws Meinrad off the ropes and drives him to the mat. Meinrad is tossed into a corner and clotheslined. Meinrad slugs Apollyon hard and knocks him out of the ring again. Both men punch each other. Apollyon put Meinrad in a gorilla press and drops him to the mat. Meinrad is chokeslammed hard to the mat. After a series of elbows to the back, Apollyon throws Meinrad into the corner. The impact makes Meinrad fall to the mat. Apollyon attempts a pin but Meinrad kicks out. Both men start trading fists again but Apollyon slams Meinrad with another chokelsam. Taking control of the match, Apollyon short arm clotheslines Meinrad and follows up with a tree of woe. Meinrad avoids further damage by kicking Apollyon in the face. Meinrad avoids Apollyon's grapples and starts working his arm. Meinrad hits a DDT to break the momentum definitively. Meinrad starts brawling with Apollyon again and starts taking control of the match. After a big hip toss, Meinrad wears Apollyon down with punches but is stopped when Apollyon uses a bear hug slam to drop Meinrad to the mat. Apollyon softens the legs and pins Meinrad for the win.

Winner: Apollyon in 10:18

Singles Match
Mark Blood vs. Bruno Kowalski

Both men start off trading fists and hip tosses. Bruno tries to keep Mark to the mat but Mark comes back with a series of punches and kicks. Mark locks Bruno into a headlock and follows up with a shin breaker. Mark works Bruno's legs on the mat but Bruno gets up and starts to take control with strikes followed by a bulldog. Mark tries for a high drop kick but is swatted away. Bruno elbows Mark in the head and then hits a big clothesline. Mark, stunned, is slammed to the mat with a german suplex. Bruno steps on Mark Blood and flexes to pin Mark. Mark, stunned, does not kick out, giving Bruno the win.

Winner: Bruno Kowalski in 2:34

Singles Match
Scotty "The Body" Paris vs. Ash

Scotty punches Ash a few times but Ash drops him to the mat. Scotty throws Ash off the ropes and hip tosses him. Scotty tries for a drop kick but misses. Ash runs off the ropes and hits a neck breaker on Scotty. Scotty drives Ash to the mat with a clothesline and follows up with a boston crab. Ash breaks out of it and slams Scotty to mat, following up with punches. Ash chokes Scotty on the ropes using all his weight for leverage. Both men trade blows but Ash hits an uppercut getting a big cheer from the audience. Scotty puts Ash in a headlock and hits an uppercut of his own. Scotty follows up with a bulldog. Scotty takes over the match by keeping Ash to the mat. Ash brings himself back into the match with swinging DDT. Scotty throws Ash off the ropes and locks him up followed by a punch to the back of the head. Ash misses a clothesline but manages to hit a flurry of punches. Ash acknowledges the fans chant but Scotty takes the opportunity to punch him. Ash hits a fireman's carry followed by a hip toss. Scotty hits a body slam and then chokes Ash in the corner with his boot. Both men start kicking each other in the stomach until Ash is thrown into a corner. Scotty tries a drop kick but misses. Ash hits a big body slam and then a running shoulder block. Ash is tossed to the apron but gets back in before Scotty can capitalize. Back in the ring, Scotty hits a clothesline but Ash counters with a body slam followed by an ankle lock. Both men lock up but Ash pushes Scotty away. Both men duke it out. Scotty gets the upper hand with a european uppercut followed up with a spinning neckbreaker. Scotty keeps the momentum with a body slam. Scotty body slams Ash once again to the mat and pins Ash for the win.

Winner: Scotty Paris in 8:50

Main Event
NRWL Championship Match
Slam Jackson vs. Rex Anarchy (c)

Rex starts the match out with a side suplex to Slam. He follows up with a headlock but Slam reverses it and hip tosses Rex. Both men trade blows but Slam takes over with a jawbreaker. Rex throws Slam off the ropes and hits a neckbreaker. Rex tries to keep Slam to the mat but Slam gets up and kicks Rex in the face. Slam tries to knock Rex out o the ring but Rex fights back. Slam drives Rex down with a vertical suplex. Rex comes back with a german suplex. Rex is thrown to the corner but punches his way out of it. Slam tries for a suplex but Rex counters. Slam tosses Rex with head scissors. Both men brawl in the ring but Slam wins the exchange with a big kick to the face. Slam knocks Rex out of the ring and follows him out where both men duke it out. Back in the ring, Slam is thrown to the mat with a hip toss. Slam is pinned but barely kicks out before the three count. Rex is kicked in the stomach but fights back and throws Slam into the corner. Slam fights out of it before Rex can capitalize but Rex tosses Slam right over the ropes. Rex gloats in the ring until Slam can come back in. He stops Slam immediately with a shoulderblock. Slam comes back with a vertical suplex. Taking his opportunity, Slam pins Rex who cannot kick out in time. Slam Jackson wins the match to become the new NRWL Champion.

Winner: Slam Jackson in 5:53

Event For July 31, 2011

Join us tonight for another action packed NRWL Event. Tonight's matches include a highly anticipated NRWL Championship match, big challenges, a classic wrestling match and a backstage brawl. There's a little bit to satisfy any wrestling fan.

Main Event
NRWL Championship Match
Slam Jackson vs. Rex Anarchy (c)

Singles Match
Scotty "The Body" Paris vs. Ash

Singles Match
Mark Blood vs. Bruno Kowalski

Singles Match
Meinrad von Brakkus vs. Apollyon

Singles Match
Mikey Armstrong vs. Abbadon

Backstage Brawl
Doomsday vs. Johnny Young

Singles Match
Pedro Muchacho vs. Slugger Malone

Singles Match
Ingoyama vs. Marty Anderson

Results will be posted immediately following the event's conclusion.

The Jay Transfer: Breaking Matches!

Jay Phillips: Jay Phillips here with the J-Transfer! We’re a few hours away from the next event, and here’s the latest card additions! Meinrad von Brakkus will be taking on Apollyon. Here’s what Meinrad had to say:

Meinrad: NRWL management talked to me earlier this week, and it wasn’t the good kind of talk. So, to get them to change their tune, I’m calling out Apollyon. I can chop down that redwood, and show the NRWL that I still belong here!

Jay Phillips: Nick Belhor had this to say:

Nick Belhor: First off, let me address that gnat, Michael Armstrong. You somehow think that because you were gifted a match, and was also able to defeat a failure, that you are now some sort of headliner now? The only headline you’ll be known for is the shortest career in the NRWL, when Abbadon ends yours! And going back to that failure I mentioned, Meinrad. You are a waste. While NRWL management show us time and time again they are completely incompetent, they are correct in having suspicions about you. But then again, if they had any REAL managerial insight, you would have been gone already. They are a joke, and so are you.

Jay Phillips: Sounds like more hangs in the balance of that match that just a win/loss record! Up next, Doomsday takes on Johnny Young!

Doomsday: I’m still not officially on the roster, but I’m almost there. And I think taking down Johnny Young—which I WILL do—will be the last hurdle I have to clear to earn my roster spot. Johnny, you seem to take some sort of pride in being a kind of backstage bad-ass. I guess being out in the ring is proving too tough for you. But that’s OK, I’ll play by your rules. Let’s rumble somewhere else in the building—your choice. Just let me know where to be, and I’ll show up and deal you a beatdown!

Jay Phillips: Johnny Young, never one to not have a retort, responded with this:

Johnny Young: Awww yeaahh! The Star Player totally gets where you’re coming from. You’re upset because clearly nobody ever showed you any attention in life. Whereas me, I can’t stop getting attention from everyone! Unfortunately for you though, you’ve got my attention. And if a Grade-A beatdown is what you’re asking for, I’ll be happy to provide it. See you in the ring! Don’t forget your glow sticks, freak! Yeeaaahhh!!!

Jay Phillips: Has relative new kid on the block Doomsday bitten off more than he can chew in Johnny Young, who excels in backstage brawls? This will be an exciting one to watch! Up next, Pedro Muchaco calls out Slugger Malone.

Pedro: *pedro is relaxing in his Jacuzzi (still still wearing his mask) with a hot little Latina at each arm* Ay! Sloogur Mah-lohwn! I saw chu get set on fire last show. Ha ha ha! Bet that deedn’t feel good, deed it hombre? I got somtheeng else hot for chu, man. And no, I don’t meen one of theese chicas. I meen me! Theenk chu can take the heet? I don’t theenk so! So get out of the keecheen!

Jay: Slugger, never backing down from a challenge, rebutted with this.

Slugger: Listen here, runt! You may be quick and always flying, but you know what else does that too? These! *holds up his dukes* Too bad for you though, these do more damage, too. I’m gonna make that mask of your be permanently imbedded into your face! Bring it!

Jay: Something is telling me for some strange reason that that match is going to be the sleeper match of the night. And finally, Marty Anderson reported to find this chunk of bark outside his dressing room door. He sent us this pic.

*piece of bark shows two stick figures. One with an orange beard, and one with blue shorts. The stick figure with the blue shorts has an X scratched into the bark over it.*

Jay: Marty, like the rest of us, take this as a challenge from Ingoyama. Marty had this to say:

Marty: This nutjob pulls out a lucky win over Slugger, and thinks he’s ready to take me on? If it was a *real* match, Slugger would’ve won easily. In fact, he already did that. Any chump can toss someone over ropes. But pining shoulders to the mat requires skill, quick thinking, and killer instinct. Ingoyama, you messed up bad challenging me. So I’m going to make you learn from your mistake the hard way! Whether you love me, or you hate me, I’ll make sure you respect me. And you will.

Jay Phillips: There you have it. Once again, it promises to be a heck of a show! Don’t miss it!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Most Amazing Man Alive

*Jay Phillips is backstage with Mikey Armstrong. Mikey has his chest puffed out and a confident smile on his face.*

Jay Phillips: Mikey Armstrong, you came into the NRWL recently and have managed to make a strong early impression. Despite the win, Rex Anarchy claims that he let you have your victory over him. How do you feel about that?

Mikey Armstrong: Jay, I saw the tape afterward. It's obvious that he was just standing there while I pulled down the briefcase and won the match. You know what though, he knew he couldn't beat me so why bother trying? That's why he did what he did. Hey, I can't blame him. Why take the bumps if you don't have to? When you know you're beat, you know you're beat. Regardless of what he says, the end result is that I beat the NRWL Champion. I should be champion right now.

JP: It was a non-title match, Mikey.

MA: A non-title match, yes, but the champion lost to me, the only undefeated wrestler in the NRWL! I think that says it all right there.

JP: What?!? You've only been in two matches since being signed! I'd hardly consider that a major winning streak!

*Mikey points a finger to Jay's face and smiles.*

MA: I knew it. I knew you were going to say that! That's why you will want to listen closely. I've beaten Meinrad von Brakkus on two occasions. One of those occasions, I sent his tag team partner to the unemployment line. I beat the NRWL Champion. Both matches were brutal and I managed to come through them even stronger. Jay, I am the most amazing man alive! I am a juggernaut! In fact, I have decided to prove that to everyone beyond any shadow of a doubt.

JP: The most ama-- what? *Jay shakes his head.* Ok. How are you going to prove you are, ahem, "The most amazing man alive".

MA: And a juggernaut. Don't forget that. I will prove it by challenging Abbadon to a match! That will prove that I am the real deal!

JP: WHAT?!?! Are you insane?!

MA: Jay, there's nothing to fear. I have been training. See these guns?

*Mikey flexes his biceps.*

JP: Well, they're big, sure, but you're an average size here in the NRWL. Have you seen Abbadon in person? He's a mountain!

MA: But he'll fall to Mikey Armstrong! Trust me. There's no one bigger than Abbadon and when I beat him, no one can deny my amazing abilities!

JP: Well, actually, he's not the biggest. He's the same size as Apollyon.

MA: Nope. That bag on his head gives him a size advantage.

JP: That's completely irrelevant. It's just a bag.

MA: You may see it that way but I see it as me going the extra mile.

JP: That makes no sense at all.

MA: Give it a minute. I'll let it sink in. Now, I must be off. See you at the show tomorrow, Jay. You're in for a treat when you see my match! It's going to be great!

*Mikey walks away smiling with his head held high. Jay watches him walk away and then looks into the camera.*

JP: Fans, pray for that man. I don't think he has any idea what's about to happen to him.

Pure Sport

*Mark Blood is hitting a punching bag in a training room when Bruno Kowalski walks in. Bruno puts down his gym bag and starts stretching for an exercise. Mark looks over and sees Bruno. He stops, wipes the sweat off his brow, and walks over to Bruno.*

Mark Blood: Hey Bruno, got a minute?

Bruno Kowalski: Oh, hey Mark, what's up?

MB: Well, you know what, there's been a lot of action lately and some big names stepping up to bigger heights but, you know, I feel like the traditional mat wrestling has taken a back seat the last few weeks. I saw Johnny Young is taking some kind of hardcore approach now. What a moron. Honestly, I think someone needs to keep the core, pure sport of it all intact. You seem to know your way around the ring. Why don't we show the fans what an actual wrestling match can be?

BK: You and me in the ring? Yeah, you know I'm always up for a good, technical wrestling match. Let's do it!

MB: Good. Good. Alright then, bring your best. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two.

BK: Whoa... excuse me. Maybe I'll learn a thing or two? I've been holding my own pretty well so far. I don't think you need to worry about "teaching" me anything. In fact, maybe I'll be the one schooling you.

MB: Haha, yeah, alright. We'll see. I'm bringing one hundred percent to this one. We'll see who schools who.

*Bruno stands up and both men stare at each other face to face.*

BK: Yeah, I guess we will.

*After a few moments, Mark Blood nods and walks away, looking back once on his way out. Bruno watches him as he leaves. He curls his lip slightly and shakes his head before continuing his stretches.*

The Golden Age of Slamnation

*Jay Phillips is standing outside of Slam Jackson's dressing room door.*

Jay Phillips: Ladies and gentlemen, we are just twenty four hours away from the big match between NRWL Champion Rex Anarchy and the man who is challenging him for that title, Slam Jackson. Rex had some very strong words about the NRWL and the fate of the championship that he currently holds. If Slam loses this match, Rex Anarchy has vowed to take the championship hostage and refuse to defend it, leaving the NRWL without a championship title, killing it's long history. The pressure is on for Slam Jackson. Can he step up and save the title? Let's find out.

*Jay is about to knock on the door when it opens suddenly. Slam Jackson is standing at the door, looking very serious.*

JP: I was just about to knock!

Slam Jackson: Jay, life is too short for knocking. There are important matters to discuss!

JP: Yes, in fact, I'm here to speak with you about your match. There is so much pressure on your shoulders. The NRWL fans are looking for you to come through with a big win. How do you feel? Are you prepared?

SJ: Yes, yes, we'll get to that, but there are other matters to discuss!

JP: Ok.........

SJ: Jacob, I - I can call you Jacob, right?

JP: Well, it's Jason, actually.

SJ: Oh. Well Jason, we need to talk about something bigger than the NRWL championship. We need to talk to about the party that happens after tomorrow's match to celebrate me WINNING THE NRWL CHAMPIONSHIP WHERE'S THE SLAMNATION AT I WANT TO HEAR YOU!!!!!!!!!

*People start cheering from all over. Jay looks around, unable to find anyone.*

JP: What the...? Is that piped in through speakers or something?

SJ: I don't know, Jay. I don't really ever think about it. I'll call for the Slamnation while at home and hear them all throughout the house. The Slamnation is everywhere, Jason. It's an unstoppable force that cannot be stopped and that's why I'm already planning the celebration. You see, that Rex Anarchy is a bad, bad man. He wants to ruin the NRWL legacy and the company with it. But what he doesn't understand is that he isn't fighting me, Slam Jackson, no, he's fighting the whole Slamnation! We won't let him succeed.

JP: So you are confident in your victory tomorrow?

SJ: Jason, I have to be. There can be no room for failure. Rex Anarchy kicked open a bee's nest full of Slamnation and it will mercilessly sting him and send him home crying. This company has gone long enough with a champion who doesn't want to even be the champion. It's time the NRWL gets a champion that is deserves!

JP: I am sure all of your fans, the Slamnation, and NRWL fans everywhere, are behind you. We'll see you tomorrow. Good luck, Slam Jackson!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Scotty's Rant

*scene opens with Jay Phillips running out the headquarter front doors to the parking lot. Up ahead, about to enter into a limousine, is Scotty “The Body” Paris*

Jay” Scotty! Wait!!

Scotty: What do you want, Jay?

JP: I’m just wondering what your next move is, since you were denied the #1 contender spot by--

SP: --Since I was ROBBED that mop-head Slam Jackson?? I tell you what, there’s no such thing as justice anymore. I was screwed over by a corrupt ref in a match against Jackson, and THEN, to add ironic salt to the wound, he goes and wins the Fatal 4-Way for #1 contender. It makes me sick Jay. It really, really does.

JP: Well, some people would say—

SP: Look Jay, try to wrap your head around this *grabs Jay by his collar and drags him over to a car parked in the “Employee of the Month” parking spot. Ugh, what a filthy jalopy!

JP: But that’s--

SP: Anyway, let’s say you and I have a 10 million dollar bet on a game of Tic-Tac-Toe. *Scotty draws a Tic-Tac-Toe board in the dirt on the hood and draws an X in the upper left corner.*

JP: But I don’t have 10 million--

SP: Your move!

JP: *draws an O the left column’s center cell*

SP: *immediately draws two X’s in the middle and lower right and then scratches a line through the three X’s with his ring* TIC-TAC-TOE!!! I win! You owe me 10 million dollars!

JP: What?! That’s wasn’t--

SP: Wasn’t what? “Fair?!” Damn right it wasn’t fair! But don’t worry, I’ll give you a chance to win that 10 million dollars back, except you have to play against 2 other people besides me. How does that sound? Sound like a crock? Well, for once in your life, you’d be right! And that’s exactly what happened to me! But are amends being made? No! Everyone just keeps hatin’ on Scotty Paris. It seems that because I’m wealthy and successful, nobody can put their prejudice against me aside and do what’s right. So now, instead of someone whom everyone can look up to as champion, we’ll either have Rex Anarchy, a man who apparently forgot he joined a wrestling federation and not a political movement group, or Slam Jackson, a glorified back-alley grifter who doesn’t even have a real first name. “Slam?” Are you kidding me? It’s more like “Slum” Jackson! Ha! That’s brilliant! I’m gonna start calling him that!

JP: I’m sure you won’t win any fans calling him that...

SP: Oh, you mean the citizens of “Slumnation?” Yeah, they’re on the same level as Jackson: Trash. While they’re worrying about if they should spend their minimum wage paycheck on food, clothes for their kids, or booze, I’m having my pool filled with fjord water flown in off glaciers from Svalbard! Now, excuse me Jay, I have business that is actually important and meaningful, unlike yours. So this match better just happen already. So Slum Jackson can stagger back to the dumpster that regurgitate him and so Rex Anarchy can stop crying like a Kindergartner throwing and temper tantrum because no one is paying attention to him because....let’s be honest one cares. Then, we can move out of these Dark Ages of the NRWL and start a new era, ushered in by ME!

*Scotty's cell phone rings*

Hold on a sec, Jay. Hello? ....Yeah? Tell him I have to cancel. I can't make it. ........Well if he's mad about it, tell him to blame Jay Phillips, he's the one who's holding me up!

*Scotty tosses his cell phone down a nearby storm grate*

SP: Royce Gracie might be looking for you. Anyway, as I was saying, I need to turn this company around. Unfortunately, I since I'm being denied a title shot this week, I'll get some practice in by beating up on Slum Jackson's cardboard box-mate, Ash. If it wasn't for him busting into MY interview last time, that whole Fatal 4-Way nonsense wouldn't even have happened in the first place! So Ash, prepare taking a bath. And then, prepare yourself to just be another stain on the canvas that I'll have to clean off my boot.

*another cell phone rings. Scotty reaches into his back pocket and answers that cell phone*

SP: Hello? OK, I'll be right in.

*Scotty launches the cell phone into the parking lot, where it smashes to pieces upon impacting (and dinging) a car's hood*

SP: Gotta go, Jay. More important matters than you. MUCH more important.

*Scotty gets into the limousine and the chauffeur shuts the door behind him, revealing a calligraphy “F.F.” emblazoned on the door. The limo speeds off while Jay is left with a puzzled look on his face.*

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Toughest Around

*Storm Harrison is backstage talking to a caterer*

Storm Harrison: Yeah, I love to cook. I made a really great marinade for some chicken. You just let the chicken marinate for about a day, put it in a roasting pan with some onions and garlic and cook it for forty minutes or so. Fantastic!

Caterer: You'll have to give me the recipe. I'd love to try it out. I'm always looking for something new.

SH: I'd be happy to. I - *Storm is suddenly hit from behind. He falls into the catering table, tossing food all over the floor. He is grabbed by the hair by Johnny Young who throws Storm face first into a wall. Johnny quickly grabs a fire extinguisher and stands there until Storm starts to get up.*

Johnny Young: Get up, you little punk!

*Storm gets to his feet, dazed. He stumbles forward and hits a stairwell door. It pops open slightly. Before he can move away from it, Johnny blasts Storm in the side of the head with the extinguisher. Storm falls backwards through the door and tumbles down the stairs. Johnny walks through the door and looks down at Storm, twisted and unconscious at the bottom of the flight of stairs. Johnny looks back at the camera and smiles.*

JY: Just had to do a little house cleaning. Sorry Storm but you aren't going to fit into Johnny Young's NRWL anymore. You're too nice. You aren't mean enough. I've noticed something lately. Things have gotten awfully rough around here. A lot of no holds barred matches, steel cages, tables, chairs, ladders, sledge hammers, and even backstage brawls. So far, I've handled myself pretty well. It's time to refocus! As the star of the NRWL, I feel it is necessary to lead this new wave into the future. Under my influence, I can ensure this more ruthless style of wrestling goes the way it should. I am the toughest around. I've proven it. You know what though? There's someone else who thinks they can hang in the hardcore realm. I'm talking about Slugger Malone. We'll see what you've got, Malone, because you and I are going to meet each other in an extreme rules match. Anything goes. We'll see who is the toughest!

*Johnny looks back down the stairwell.*

JY: Hey! Someone get maintenance over here. There's a pile of trash at the bottom of the stairs.

*Johnny walks away. Storm is seen at the bottom of the stairs, still motionless.*

Anarchy Reigns

*Jay Phillips is standing backstage with NRWL Champion Rex Anarchy.*

Jay Phillips: Rex, big night two weeks ago at the last NRWL Event. A lot of the talk following the show involves you and the NRWL Championship. I'd like to get your thoughts on your upcoming title defense, but first, I'd like to ask you about your match against Mikey Armstrong. At the end of the match, you decided to just stand and watch Mikey win the match. Why?

Rex Anarchy: Why? I think the question should be, 'why not?' That match was a joke like all the other matches I have had here in the NRWL since I won this title. Every week I've come out here and given no reason to even try. Non-title matches, special stipulations, tag team matches. There's only been one title defense since I won this title and the guy who won that match wasn't even awarded the belt! I grow tired of being the man holding onto a meaningless championship.

JP: Meaningless championship?

RA: That's right, Jay. Meaningless. I have been doing some thinking and I figured it all out. When I won the championship tournament, everyone here was new to the NWRL. All but Johnny Young. The, ahem, Star Player. I think Young dropped the ball for the NRWL and didn't win the tournament like he was expected to. Since I've won it, the company has been waiting for the right person to be the "face of the NRWL". They made sure I kept the belt until they found the right person. They don't like me. They don't want me. That's why, until now, the NRWL Championship has been played down. Most of the excitement and build up is in the mid card. They've been waiting for the right person to step up because the money machine will be fueled greatly by merchandise sales of T-Shirts featuring the champ that everyone wanted!

JP: What?!? You're delusional! Are you really suggesting that this is all just a conspiracy for selling promotional material?

RA: Not delusional at all, Jay. I'm simply right. Look at who the number one contender is. Slam Jackson. The leader of the Slamnation. You can't tell me that's promotional gold. If he were the top dog in the company, you know NRWL would be making money hand over fist. Why didn't Apollyon get another shot at this title? Doesn't seem to have a whole lot of personality. Why not Bruno Kowalski? Great in the ring, dull on the microphone. Ingoyama? He's a solid performer but they wouldn't have a clue how to promote him. Pedro Muchacho? Their core audience can't even understand what he's saying. You expect them to follow his lead? Marty Anderson? He'd do fine but they like him where he's at, shepherding some other guy. Johnny Young? I'm not even sure why they still have him around after he failed them in the tournament. No, NRWL wants a champion that they can market easily. That's why Scotty Paris, Ash, Slam, and Mark Blood were given the number one contender opportunity. They are all faces that would look good in promos and they already know what to do with them. It's not hard to promote Scotty Paris when they've already got experience with Flawless Fred. Ash is like countless other 'superheroes' from wrestling history, NRWL can just clone the Mike Blood process with his son, and Slam Jackson is just a goofy guy who the fans seem to like. Remember LaZ0r? People loved that guy. They could push Slam the same way.

JP: You sound bitter. Maybe you should - *Rex quickly shoves Jay into the wall, knees him in the stomach, and throws him off camera. He picks up the microphone.

RA: Enough playing by the rules. Here's how it goes down. NRWL, you better hope that Slam Jackson is your savior. If he wins, he'll make you a lot of money. But if he doesn't win? Well, if he doesn't win this match, I'm going to bring everything tumbling down. I will take the NRWL Championship hostage and use it as a symbol of chaos. There will be no title defenses. It will bring everyone back to base level. There won't be a number one contender. There won't be a championship for little Scotty Paris to cash in a title shot for. Don't go issuing a new one either. All the history of the NRWL is in this championship. If you replace it, you effectively wipe out history. Then, with nothing to aim for, the wrestlers will simply leave and the NRWL will collapse. Anarchy will rule supreme. Slam Jackson, you better hope you have the best night of your life in that ring when we meet. If not, you damned this company and all of its fans.

*Rex drops the mic and walks off. The camera pans over to him walking away. Jay Phillips is on his hands and knees trying to get up. Rex pushes his boot against the side of Jay's head, knocking him back over. Rex looks down and shakes his head before walking out of the room.*

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mike Blood Leaves NRWL

As previously announced on his final "Sweat & Tears" column, Mike Blood has decided to part ways with the NRWL. Mike has been a part of NRWL since its inception and is a member of the Hall of Fame.

Mr. Sunderland had the following to say about Mr. Blood's departure.

Mike will be missed here in the NRWL. He and I have worked together from the start of Masters of Wrestling back in the early 90's. He always says that he wouldn't have had a career without me but I think it is the other way around. MoW needed great talent in the early days and without him, I'm not sure we would have made it. When Mr. Charles and I started the NRWL, I knew I needed him here to get the ball rolling. I can't thank him enough.

I understand his reasons for leaving and wish him the best. I know that what comes next for Mike Blood will be great for wrestling fans everywhere. I know I am looking forward to it. Thank you, Mike. For everything.

The NRWL wishes Mike Blood the best of luck in his future endeavors.

Sweat & Tears: A Fond Farewell - A Look Back

In the autumn of 2003, I was offered a job by my old Masters of Wrestling boss, Mr. Sunderland, to wrestle for his new company, the New Revolution Wrestling League. He started it with his old friend, Super Century Strong Fighter owner, Mr. Charles. The two of them ran wrestling promotions in the 90's and I was a part of the rich history they built. I couldn't turn down the opportunity to get in the ring one last time.

My run in the NRWL was short and mostly uneventful. My only real success was winning the tag team championship on the night of my retirement. Regardless, I never looked at my NRWL run as disappointing. I knew, even then, that something big was growing. Having MoW and SCSF together as one promotion was a wrestling fan's dream. Now, nearly eight years later, I can say with complete certainty that it lived up to that expectation I had.

When Mr. Charles and Mr. Sunderland said they were starting things up again earlier this year, I was excited. This season has offered us some of the best talent we could ever ask for. It's hard to really pick out weak links. I am excited for what is coming up in the months and years ahead. The NRWL has really found their footing and I believe it is the best it has ever been.

With that said, it is with mixed emotions that I am writing "Blood and Tears" for the last time. Immediately following my retirement from the ring, I spent time working behind the scenes for NRWL and have been here ever since. Well, there was that brief period where I came back into the spotlight as the manager of John Fraust! It has been a very fun and rewarding time for me here in this company that I love but there are some personal goals I have had for some time. I think that now is the right time to pursue those goals so I am leaving the NRWL to try my hand at something new.

I would like to thank Mr. Charles and Mr. Sunderland for the opportunity to be a part of this great wrestling promotion. Without them, I would not have had the career I did. I'd also like to thank the wrestlers for putting on great matches week after week. The NRWL is lucky to have talent like you! Finally, I'd like to thank you, the fans. I have always said the best fans in the world are here and you prove it time and time again.

I hope to see you all again in my future endeavors, but until then, keep your shoulders off the mat!

New NRWL Website

In an effort to improve the online experience, NRWL has decided to launch a simpler, more straightforward website. This new site will feature all the news and action you enjoyed previously but is now available in one single stream of content. If you'd like to view the News or Action section separately, you can easily filter them using the links on the right side of the page.

As of this posting, you will notice that several of our previous services are missing. The photo album that is updated after every event is in the process of being migrated to a new service that will be available soon. Until the migration is complete, you can still access the old album at this location. Previous NRWL Action! posts are currently unavailable on the new site, however, they are in the process of being migrated over time. Previous posts of Mike Blood's Sweat & Tears and Flawless Fred's Flawless Facts blogs are in the process of being migrated into the site as well.

Wrestler profiles will be recreated from scratch and should be available soon. You will be able to access them all from a menu on the right side of the page.

Thank you for your patience during our move to this new site. We hope you will enjoy the new format.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Results For July 8th 2011

The NRWL has returned from our short break with a great evening of matches. This time around, NRWL stars took part in a "lethal lottery" where matches and participants were selected by a random drawing. In the special Fatal 4-Way main event, four of the biggest names duked it out to determine a number one contender.

After each drawing, participants shared their reactions with Jay Phillips. We have provided them before the results of each match for your enjoyment.

First Match

TLC Match

Mikey Armstrong vs. Rex Anarchy

Mikey Armstrong: Yes! As the only undefeated man in the NRWL, it’s great to see that even when thrown into random matches, luck is on my side. It's a TLC match! I beat that Meinrad clown in one of these last time. Piece of cake. Tonight I will become the NRWL champion in only my second match as an NRWL star by beating Rex Anarchy and... what? It’s not a title match? How can it not be? Well this just sucks.

Rex Anarchy had no comment for this match.

Rex goes for a ladder but it stopped by Armstrong. Rex comes back but Armstrong pulls off a surprise belly to belly suplex. Armstrong throws Rex outside but is unable to capitalize. In the ring, Anarchy throws Armstrong through a table. Armstrong tries to wear down Rex with holds. Anarchy grabs a chair. Armstrong grabs another chair. Armstrong strikes first and follows up with a DDT on a chair. Rex comes back with a big body slam and climbs a ladder to reach the briefcase. Armstrong pushes the ladder and Rex falls through a table. Armstrong climbs the ladder himself. Anarchy gets up and just watches as Armstrong pulls the briefcase down to win the match. Upon descent, Armstrong falls hard onto a ladder and the briefcase tumbles outside the ring.

Winner Mikey Armstrong in 4:31

Second Match

Extreme Rules Match

Bruno Kowalski vs. Marty Anderson

Bruno Kowalski: This isn’t the first go-round between me and Marty.  Last time, he got the better of me, the rules are different.  You’d better bring it, Marty!

Marty Anderson: You can make this lottery go any way you want but with Marty Anderson you aren’t taking any chances. No matter what the match is, you know that it will be solid and you know that I’ll be the one walking out of the ring. Bruno is a talented guy and I have a lot of respect for him. That said, when that ring bell sounds, I won’t be showing any mercy. 

Bruno hits an immediate hip toss and punches Marty right out of the ring. Marty pulls out a ladder. Bruno hip tosses Marty on the ladder and then hits him in the back with it. Marty hits a bulldog. Both men trade slams. Bruno grabs a mop. Marty grabs the mop and attacks. Bruno grabs a guitar from a fan but is hit again with the mop. Bruno grabs a crutch from a fan. Marty takes it and hits Bruno hard with it. Bruno gets the crutch back and does a baseball swing to Marty's head. Marty grabs a ladder while Bruno grabs the ring steps. Marty drives the ladder into Bruno's face several times. Back in the ring, Marty continues his assault with the ladder. Bruno runs at Marty but is drilled in the face with the ladder. Marty hits a spine buster and eggs Bruno to get up. Bruno tries to mount a comeback but is delivered another spine buster. Bruno kicks out of a pin. Both men trade blows and then slams. Bruno comes back by knocking Marty out of the ring. Marty comes back in and hits a big piledriver. He drives Bruno down with a spine buster into a fallen ladder and pins him for the win.

Winner Marty Anderson in 10:52

Third Match

Last Man Standing Match

Abbadon vs. Pedro Muchacho

Nick Belhor: I have made sure that all waivers of bodily injury have been signed by the Sons of Darkness’s opponents, because it is going to be a slaughter tonight.  Abbadon against that flea, Pedro Muchacho?  Ha ha ha!

Pedro Muchacho: ¡Esto es una mierda! ¿Cómo puede suceder esto? ¡Esto es un ultraje! “¿Ãšltimo hombre en pie?” ¿Estás bromeando?

Pedro tries to mount and early offense with some quick kicks and holds. Abbadon comes back with stronger punches and tosses. Pedro avoids Getting caught by Abbadon but is eventually thrown out of the ring. Pedro avoids anynserious damage and manages to throw Abbadon into the ring, delivering a leg drop from the apron. The match goes back outside where both men trade blows. Abbadon slams Pedro into the floor with a chokeslam. Back in the ring, Pedro keeps Abbadon at bay with some fast kicks but Abbadon pummels Pedro and shoves him hard to the mat. Pedro, unable to find the strength to get up, is counted out.

Winner Abbadon in 4:34

Fourth Match

Backstage Brawl

Johnny Young vs. Storm Harrison

Johnny Young: Aww yeah! Storm Harrison may know his way around the ring but he got dealt a bad hand tonight. Backstage? Anything goes. Don’t you forget I pummeled that punk Mark Blood backstage one night and this will be no different.

Storm Harrison: Alright, well, if Johnny Young thinks he knows Storm Harrison, he’s sorely mistaken. I’m going to find him right now and wherever he is, there’s going to be a serious fight. Better watch out for the storm!

Both men trade punches. Storm feigns injury by leaning on a box. When Young gets close, Storm slams Young into it. Johnny comes back with a big side arm slam. Both men continue to brawl. Johnny scrapes Storm with several back rakes. Johnny opens a door, pulls out a cart holding a garbage can filled with brooms, mops, and other tools. He throws the can, contents and all into Storm. Johnny grabs a chair and hits Storm with it in the head. Johnny drops Storm onto the concrete floor to win the match.

Winner Johnny Young in 2:33

Fifth Match

Inferno Match

Ingoyama vs. Slugger Malone

Slugger Malone: Inferno match with Ingoyama? I beat him last time around after that jungle walker trashed my dressing room and as far as I’m concerned, we’re square. Unfortunately for him, he’s going to have to take a beating again. The stakes are higher this time around. I may be from Texas, and I can take the heat, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to get lit on fire!

Ingoyama: *painting on the wall in the backstage area showing a stick figure with blue pants engulfed in fire*

Slugger starts out with a slam and an elbow to the head. Ingoyama starts beating Sluggers head into the mat. Slugger comes back and both men start brawling. Ingoyama tries to keep Slugger on the mat and Slugger tries to hit hard and fast. Slugger throws Ingoyama into thencorner but Ingoyama comes back and hits a big neck breaker. Ingoyama deliver a vertical suplex, slugger comes back with a clothesline and then sleeper hold. Ingoyama gets thrown to the ropes but stops himself short. Both men trade blows. Ingoyama hits a DDT. Both men show fatigue from the heat. Ingoyama hits a big hip toss and keeps Slugger on the mat. Ingoyama also catches on fire in the corner but runs away. Ingoyama delivers a spear to Slugger. Slugger gets a bulldog to the mat and gets split open on the forehead. Ingoyama trying to keep in control of the match keeps slamming Slugger to the mat. After a suplex, Ingoyama manages to throw Slugger over then ropes, where Slugger's Jean shorts ignite. Ingoyama celebrates while officials use fire extinguishers to put out The fire on Slugger.

Winner Ingoyama in 13:09

Sixth Match

No DQ Match

Apollyon vs. Meinrad von Brakkus

Nick Belhor: I have made sure that all waivers of bodily injury have been signed by the Sons of Darkness’s opponents, because it is going to be a slaughter tonight. Meinrad against Apollyon in a No DQ?  Meinrad would be wise to call ahead to the hospital and reserve a room!

Apollyon starts things off with a bearhug slam. After going back and forth with blows, Apollyon hits another big slam. In the ensuing fist fight, the ref takes a punch. Meinrad tries to take the action outside but gets his eyes scraped against the ropes. Apollyon goes outside, luring Meinrad. Apollyon hits Darkness Falls on the floor. He picks Meinrad up and slams his head into the ring. After bringing the action into the ring, Apollyon is caught off guard by Meinrad but only momentarily. Apollyon comes back with a sidewalk slam. Meinrad is pulled to the middle of the ring and pinned.

Winner Apollyon in 3:45

Main Event

Fatal Four Way Number One Contender Match

Scotty Paris vs. Ash vs. Slam Jackson vs. Mark Blood

Chaos starts off the match with all four men brawling. Ash and Scotty work together to attack Slam. Blood works on Ash. Blood attempts to pin Scotty but it is broken by Ash. Slam gets a near three count on Ash. Blood brings a sledge hammer into the match and attacks Slam with it. Scotty tries to pin Slam but Blood breaks it up. All four men begin brawling. Slam drops from the top rope for a neck breaker on Ash. Scotty attacks Ash but is thrown to the corner. Ash drives Blood to the mat and then breaks up a pin next to him. Blood recovers and is double teamed by Slam and Scotty. Ash and Scotty go outside the ring. Blood rolls up Slam but Ash gets in the ring in time to break it up. All four men begin brawling again. Blood rolls up Ash, Ash reverses the rollup but Slam breaks up the pin. Blood is busted open after a hit from Ash. Scotty attacks Ash while Slam puts Blood in the tree of woe. Ash pins Scotty but is immediately kicked off by Slam. While Scotty performed From Paris With Love on Ash, Slam pins Blood for the win.

Winner Slam Jackson in 12:34

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Number One Contenders Match

After an altercation backstage between Scotty Paris, Ash, Slam Jackson, and Mark Blood concerning who should be given a title shot, NRWL officials have decided to put all four into a Fatal 4-Way match. The match will be no disqualification and one pinfall. The winner will take on NRWL Champion Rex Anarchy at the next event.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Backstage Bedlam!

*Jay Phillips is in the interview area backstage*

 Jay: Hi everyone! Jay Phillips here! I'm backstage here with Scotty "The Body" Paris! Scotty....tough loss to Slam Jackson at the last event.

Scotty: "Tough?" "Tough???" More like "unfair!" What was that crap?? Somebody tell that ref to go back to Sesame Street and learn that 2, not 3, comes after 1!!!

Jay: I think I have to agree with you this time, Scotty. Even from my viewpoint, the count seemed rather quick. But, he's human, and like the rest of us, makes a mistake every now and then.

Scotty: Save the diplomatics, Phillips! This was an outrage, and I fully expect to be compensated for this!

Jay: What are you proposing?

Scotty: I want an immediate title shot. That's the only fair thing to do.

Jay: A title shot?!? But--

Scotty: That's right. They owe me—

*suddenly, Ash walks onto the scene*

Scotty: Hey! Get out of my interview! The soup kitchen is in the back of the building, bum!

Ash: Did I hear you wanted a title shot?

Scotty: Oh, it's Ass-sh. It's more that it's owed to me, than my wanting. But yeah!

Ash: I think you already have your shot in that briefcase.

Scotty: What?!? Are you suggesting I use my earned Money In the Bank title shot to right a wrong that was done to me? Why don't you wash your hair because the layer of oil and dirt is stopping air from getting to your brain!

Ash: Here's the thing, Scotty. Champions and championship contenders are usually .....hmm.... how to put it? They're usually people who actually win matches! With the exception of your ladder match victory--which I attribute more to Rex and Apollyon preoccupied with beating each other and losing focus rather than you actually winning in a definitive way--you've just been getting the crap kicked out of you. Some #1 contender material you'd make!

*Suddenly Slam Jackson jumps into the scene*

Scotty:  What is this?  A cardboard box convention?  Now where did this hobo come from???

Slam:  If there’s one man that the Slamnation wants to see holding the Championship strap, it’s this guy right here *Slam points to himself*  AIN’T THAT RIGHT, SLAMNATION?!?

*hollers and cheers are heard off camera, with an especially loud one directly in the camera from the cameraman*

Slam:  *to Scotty, Ash, and Jay* The Slamnation population is growing rapidly, people.  And the good citizens want a trophy they can be proud of!

Scotty:  How about one of those derby’s with a top punched out of it?

Slam:  Scotty, for all the money you have, you can’t seem to buy a win or a break.  So until you get one of those, let the big boys talk about the important matters.  Go dip your toes in your pool, or maybe soak your head in it.

Scotty: I don’t believe this…

Ash:  Heh heh…soak his head.

*Mark Blood now enters the scene with the other 4 men*

Mark:  I hear you guys talking about #1 contender status, and I have this to say.  Ash, you’ve been on quite the streak, so maybe you deserve shot.  Slam, you’ve been making an impact since day one, so maybe you deserve a shot.  Scotty….you haven’t done anything except be loud.  You don’t deserve anything.

Scotty:  Hey!

Mark:  As for me, I had a rocky start.  But you know what?  When just about everyone gave up on me, I dug deep, believed in myself, and turned it all around.  I have heart.  And THAT is a championship quality.  And if anyone knows anything about heart, it’s someone named “Blood!”

*After a few seconds of silence, Ash turns to Slam*

Ash:  He’s got a point.

*Slam pinches his chin with his thumb and index finger, juts out his lower lip, raises his eyebrows, and nods in agreement with Ash*

Scotty:  What the--?  This is insane.  I don’t care anyone pumping Blood.  This interview, this whole segment is about ME and the injustice that I suffered at the last event.  What’s wrong with everyone?!?

*The 4 wrestlers all start bantering with each other.  Jay ducks under to the front of the crowd*

Jay:  Four men all vying for the rank of #1 contender.  How will the NRWL management decide who is worthy of the title shot.  Check back soon as I’m sure an announcement will come within a day or two!  This is Jay Phillips signing off!

Backstage Bedlam!

July 6th 2011

*Jay Phillips is in the interview area backstage*

Jay: Hi everyone! Jay Phillips here! I'm backstage here with Scotty "The Body" Paris! Scotty....tough loss to Slam Jackson at the last event.

Scotty: "Tough?" "Tough???" More like "unfair!" What was that crap?? Somebody tell that ref to go back to Sesame Street and learn that 2, not 3, comes after 1!!!

Jay: I think I have to agree with you this time, Scotty. Even from my viewpoint, the count seemed rather quick. But, he's human, and like the rest of us, makes a mistake every now and then.

Scotty: Save the diplomatics, Phillips! This was an outrage, and I fully expect to be compensated for this!

Jay: What are you proposing?

Scotty: I want an immediate title shot. That's the only fair thing to do.

Jay: A title shot?!? But--

Scotty: That's right. They owe me—

*Suddenly, Ash walks onto the scene*

Scotty: Hey! Get out of my interview! The soup kitchen is in the back of the building, bum!

Ash: Did I hear you wanted a title shot?

Scotty: Oh, it's Ass-sh. It's more that it's owed to me, than my wanting. But yeah!

Ash: I think you already have your shot in that briefcase.

Scotty: What?!? Are you suggesting I use my earned Money In the Bank title shot to right a wrong that was done to me? Why don't you wash your hair because the layer of oil and dirt is stopping air from getting to your brain!

Ash: Here's the thing, Scotty. Champions and championship contenders are usually .....hmm.... how to put it? They're usually people who actually win matches! With the exception of your ladder match victory--which I attribute more to Rex and Apollyon preoccupied with beating each other and losing focus rather than you actually winning in a definitive way--you've just been getting the crap kicked out of you. Some #1 contender material you'd make!

*Suddenly, Slam Jackson jumps into the scene*

Scotty:  What is this?  A cardboard box convention?  Now where did this hobo come from???

Slam:  If there’s one man that the Slamnation wants to see holding the Championship strap, it’s this guy right here *Slam points to himself*  AIN’T THAT RIGHT, SLAMNATION?!?

*Hollers and cheers are heard off camera, with an especially loud one directly in the camera from the cameraman*

Slam:  *to Scotty, Ash, and Jay* The Slamnation population is growing rapidly, people.  And the good citizens want a trophy they can be proud of!

Scotty:  How about one of those derby’s with a top punched out of it?

Slam:  Scotty, for all the money you have, you can’t seem to buy a win or a break.  So until you get one of those, let the big boys talk about the important matters.  Go dip your toes in your pool, or maybe soak your head in it.

Scotty: I don’t believe this…

Ash:  Heh heh…soak his head.

*Mark Blood now enters the scene with the other 4 men*

Mark:  I hear you guys talking about #1 contender status, and I have this to say.  Ash, you’ve been on quite the streak, so maybe you deserve shot.  Slam, you’ve been making an impact since day one, so maybe you deserve a shot.  Scotty….you haven’t done anything except be loud.  You don’t deserve anything.

Scotty:  Hey!

Mark:  As for me, I had a rocky start.  But you know what?  When just about everyone gave up on me, I dug deep, believed in myself, and turned it all around.  I have heart.  And THAT is a championship quality.  And if anyone knows anything about heart, it’s someone named “Blood!”

*After a few seconds of silence, Ash turns to Slam*

Ash:  He’s got a point.

*Slam pinches his chin with his thumb and index finger, juts out his lower lip, raises his eyebrows, and nods in agreement with Ash*

Scotty:  What the--?  This is insane.  I don’t care anyone pumping Blood.  This interview, this whole segment is about ME and the injustice that I suffered at the last event.  What’s wrong with everyone?!?

*The 4 wrestlers all start bantering with each other.  Jay ducks under to the front of the crowd*

Jay:  Four men all vying for the rank of #1 contender.  How will the NRWL management decide who is worthy of the title shot.  Check back soon as I’m sure an announcement will come within a day or two!  This is Jay Phillips signing off!