Sunday, October 2, 2011

Answering the Call

*scene opens inside a training facility. Bruno Kowalski is in the ring, grappling on the ground with a sparring partner. The two are locked, jockeying for position. In a quick sweeping move, Bruno slides hi arm under the neck and rolls his sparring partner down into a D’arce choke. The partner taps almost immediately and Bruno releases his hold. He then props himself up on both knees with his hands on his hips. He wipes the sweat from his brow and gets up and walks over to the corner where he takes a towel that is draping over the turnbuckle and wipes his face down.*

Bruno: Mark Blood. You have a problem. But the thing is, you’re problem isn’t with me. It’s with yourself. Except you don’t realize that. You walk around with this chip on your shoulder , looking for reasons to get angry at people. You call out half the roster because they don’t conform to some wrestling purity that you suddenly care about. Sorry, but not everyone is a straight-forward tights-and-boot wrestler like you and me. But of course, now you also have a problem with me. You say I humiliated you. Do you know why it was humiliating? Because you couldn’t kick out of having a shoe on your chest early in the match. That’s not my fault. That’s yours.

So if you want to go at it so you can get back at me? Well ask and ye shall receive. I’ll see you in the ring, and this time, I’ll try to pin you in a more “respectful” manner. But it won’t change the fact that I’ll have your shoulders down for three count.

*Bruno turns and grabs a water bottle off the ring apron, opens it, takes a drink, and walks out of the ring area.*