Friday, May 9, 2014

The Old Guard

[“Hardcore Adam” is walking through the back hallways of the arena. He turns a corner and almost runs into a large man.]

Adam: Whoa! Oh, hey Tiger.

Tiger Johnson: How’s it going, Adam?

[The two give a manly forearm handshake]

Adam: Hey, I wanted to tell you thank you for having my back in that tag team match.

Tiger: No problem, boss.

Adam: I hope Mark, Tornado, and Warlock come to an understanding soon. I don’t think anyone wants them to succeed more than I do.

Tiger: Yeah, they’re all good kids with good hearts, but a little too impatient at the moment. Once they calm down and get their footing, they’ll be fine.

Adam: Yeah. I think the real people who expected them to be the second-comings of their fathers were the media talking-heads.

Tiger: I think all of us in this business have gone through what they’re feeling, and have made some reckless and not-so-wise decisions.

Adam: I hear that. My first few years in the SCSF weren’t that spectacular. I lost a LOT. And I used to get so furious that I was essentially treated as a joke and ostracized. It wasn’t until that I was able to pull-off that unlikely title victory before I started getting recognized and respected.

Tiger: Yeah. And I’ve made a bad choice or two early in my career. Remember after my leg injury the stint with the first iteration of The Mob?

Adam: Yeah, who can forget. But anyway, thanks again for watching out for me during the match.

Tiger: No problem, boss.

Adam: You know, not to sound too cliche’, but I think we make a pretty good tag team. I think we could probably make a run for the tag belts. Not looking for a decision now, but mull it over and let--

Tiger: No need to mull. I think we can do it.

Adam: Nice! Alright, let’s show everyone there’s still some fight left in these old dogs! Let’s start by taking out the Sons of Darkness. If we can top them, it can vault us into title contention.

Tiger: Let’s do it.

[Tiger and Adam walk away discussing strategy as the scene fades out.]