Friday, November 30, 2012

Didn't Go As Planned

*“What You Got” by Reveille blasts over the loud speakers.  The fans explode into the cheers as Ash runs out from behind the curtain.  He stands at the top of the ramp, polishes the NRWL Championship belt with the sleeve of his hoodie, and makes his way down to the ring, slapping fans’ hands along the way.  He climbs in and grabs a mic*

Ash:  That’s what I like to hear!  Yeah!!!  Well, today is the day!  Today I go one-on-one with Tiger Johnson!

*The fans cheer at Tiger’s name*

Ash:  Absolutely!  You’re right!  Nothing but respect for the guy!  If I’m going against anyone, I’m glad it’s him.  I’ve been a fan of his for a long time!  I remember watching him in the MoW.  He is a tough dude.  But don’t worry everyone.  I WILL win this match!  Tiger, if you’re listening, I fully expect you to bring your A-game, cause I’m bringing mine!

*Suddenly, “Dazzle Vision” by PV screams out over the speakers, and Katsutoshi and Leiko walk down to the ring and climb in.  Katsutoshi takes a mic*

Katsutoshi:  Ash……… *dryly*  the “fans favorite” wrestler.

*crowd cheers, reinforcing the name*

Katsutoshi:  How does it feel to be such a phony?  Please tell me.  I want to know.  Do you realize that in 2 matches I have accomplished more that you have in your run here so far?  My last match with Fraust alone was better that all your matches combined!  Fruast was at least SOMEBODY at one point.  But I showed, quite resoundingly, that he’s not that same guy.  I beat him down and KO’ed him and left him lying there drooling on himself.  It was a thing of beauty!  But even a washed-up Fraust is way more of a challenege than you.  I—

Ash:  Here.  Let me save you some time because you’re boring everyone.  “Blah blah you’re great.  Blah blah I suck.  Blah blah you should be champion.  Blah blah you want a title shot.”  Am I close?

Katsutoshi:  Very funny, Ash.  But even in your jokes, the truth seeps though.  You know that I deserve a title shot!

*”Crying Like a Bitch” chugs out, and the crowd erupts as Bruno Kowalski comes out.  He goes down to the ring and climbs in*

Bruno:  How about that?  Another newcoming spouting out about how he “deserves” a title shot.  It’s really getting tiresome.  You.  Jacob Washington.  Tommy V.  Tiger Johnson.  Who are you to say you deserve ANYTHING around here?  I’ll tell you what you deserve.  You deserve to have your ass handed to you by me!

Katustoshi:  Bring it on, Polish Powerhouse.  I’ll dispose of you like that other piece of trash, John Fruast.  Then, Ash.  I’m coming for you, if you make it past Tiger Johnson.  You lucked out in him winning the Fatal 4 way, because he’s almost as inept as you are.

Ash:  Don’t worry about me.  You should be worried about Bruno.

Katsutoshi:  The only thing I’m worried about from Bruno is getting the grease from his hair on me.

Bruno:  You know, Katsutoshi.  Since you made such a big deal about knocking John Fraust out, why don’t you try me on?  Let’s make it KO match.

Katsutoshi:  Fine.  Whatever what you think is best for you to save face when you lose.

*Suddenly, four members of the audience jump the barrier and run into the ring carrying the chairs they were sitting on.  They proceed to attack Katsutoshi, Ash, and Bruno, beating them down with chairs.  Soon, the three men on the ground lie motionless, and the four men standing with the now bent up chairs turn to reveal that it is Tommy V, Marcus, Mikey Armstrong, and Paul Priest.  The four men exit the ring and walk up the ramp, smiling and raising their fists triumphantly.*