Tuesday, April 15, 2014


[Mr. Lifeguard's music hits, and he comes out to the ring, energizing the crowd along the way]

Jim “The Amp” Johnson: Look at the crowd's reaction to Mr. Lifeguard!

Warhead: I never knew there were this many fans of mathematical addition!

[Lifeguard enters the ring and takes a mic]

Mr. Lifeguard: Wow....that's all I can...wow. Being back here at NRWL....this is just great! I have to admit, I was a bit nervous coming back. It's like when you were back in school, and that kid moves away for a year, but then he comes back a year later, and he's completely different and everyone hates him...well I'm not that kid, because the reception I've received has been tremendous! I want to thank all the fans out there who have been supporting me, coming up to me for pictures, for autographs...although I must say, I signed so many autographs tonight, my swimming hand is a bit sore. So if there IS someone drowning, they may die. But you know what? That will not stop me from signing more autographs for all of you Lifeguard fans!

[The crowd cheers, and Mr. Lifeguards gives his own round of applause for the crowd. This does not last long, as the music of Katsutoshi hits, and he walks out onto the ramp with Leiko]

Katsutoshi: ...You've been talking for about a minute, and you're already the most annoying man I've ever encountered. So just stop with this pandering and tell me straight up...why are you here? Because as I see it, you're here to waste space. You're here to waste time! Just go back to wherever you came from. I'm here to get to the top, and I do that by defeating opponents.

Mr. Lifeguard: Whoa, me too man! We just have different ways of going about it! I love a good match! But when I'm not in the ring fighting, why should I be walking around backstage, pretending to everyone that I'm a big mean, angry, tough guy?! I like to relax, have fun, enjoy life! Try it sometime!

Katsutoshi: Lifeguard, I hope you keep that attitude. You'll make for an easy match. [Katsutoshi and Leiko leave, while Mr. Lifeguard remains in the ring to pump the crowd up a bit more]

Jim: Two very different men, and two different styles!

Warhead: But both can go in the ring! It's going to be interesting to see where this goes between them!