Friday, November 30, 2012

Didn't Go As Planned

*“What You Got” by Reveille blasts over the loud speakers.  The fans explode into the cheers as Ash runs out from behind the curtain.  He stands at the top of the ramp, polishes the NRWL Championship belt with the sleeve of his hoodie, and makes his way down to the ring, slapping fans’ hands along the way.  He climbs in and grabs a mic*

Ash:  That’s what I like to hear!  Yeah!!!  Well, today is the day!  Today I go one-on-one with Tiger Johnson!

*The fans cheer at Tiger’s name*

Ash:  Absolutely!  You’re right!  Nothing but respect for the guy!  If I’m going against anyone, I’m glad it’s him.  I’ve been a fan of his for a long time!  I remember watching him in the MoW.  He is a tough dude.  But don’t worry everyone.  I WILL win this match!  Tiger, if you’re listening, I fully expect you to bring your A-game, cause I’m bringing mine!

*Suddenly, “Dazzle Vision” by PV screams out over the speakers, and Katsutoshi and Leiko walk down to the ring and climb in.  Katsutoshi takes a mic*

Katsutoshi:  Ash……… *dryly*  the “fans favorite” wrestler.

*crowd cheers, reinforcing the name*

Katsutoshi:  How does it feel to be such a phony?  Please tell me.  I want to know.  Do you realize that in 2 matches I have accomplished more that you have in your run here so far?  My last match with Fraust alone was better that all your matches combined!  Fruast was at least SOMEBODY at one point.  But I showed, quite resoundingly, that he’s not that same guy.  I beat him down and KO’ed him and left him lying there drooling on himself.  It was a thing of beauty!  But even a washed-up Fraust is way more of a challenege than you.  I—

Ash:  Here.  Let me save you some time because you’re boring everyone.  “Blah blah you’re great.  Blah blah I suck.  Blah blah you should be champion.  Blah blah you want a title shot.”  Am I close?

Katsutoshi:  Very funny, Ash.  But even in your jokes, the truth seeps though.  You know that I deserve a title shot!

*”Crying Like a Bitch” chugs out, and the crowd erupts as Bruno Kowalski comes out.  He goes down to the ring and climbs in*

Bruno:  How about that?  Another newcoming spouting out about how he “deserves” a title shot.  It’s really getting tiresome.  You.  Jacob Washington.  Tommy V.  Tiger Johnson.  Who are you to say you deserve ANYTHING around here?  I’ll tell you what you deserve.  You deserve to have your ass handed to you by me!

Katustoshi:  Bring it on, Polish Powerhouse.  I’ll dispose of you like that other piece of trash, John Fruast.  Then, Ash.  I’m coming for you, if you make it past Tiger Johnson.  You lucked out in him winning the Fatal 4 way, because he’s almost as inept as you are.

Ash:  Don’t worry about me.  You should be worried about Bruno.

Katsutoshi:  The only thing I’m worried about from Bruno is getting the grease from his hair on me.

Bruno:  You know, Katsutoshi.  Since you made such a big deal about knocking John Fraust out, why don’t you try me on?  Let’s make it KO match.

Katsutoshi:  Fine.  Whatever what you think is best for you to save face when you lose.

*Suddenly, four members of the audience jump the barrier and run into the ring carrying the chairs they were sitting on.  They proceed to attack Katsutoshi, Ash, and Bruno, beating them down with chairs.  Soon, the three men on the ground lie motionless, and the four men standing with the now bent up chairs turn to reveal that it is Tommy V, Marcus, Mikey Armstrong, and Paul Priest.  The four men exit the ring and walk up the ramp, smiling and raising their fists triumphantly.*

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Destruction and Violence

*Jay Phillips is standing at the backstage interview area with Max Destruction. Max has a towel in his hand and dabs it on his face before rubbing it over the top of his head. He tosses it aside.*

Jay Phillips: I am here with Max Destruction. He is a man who really needs no introduction, having had a successful boxing career, a comic book series based off of him, and a wrestling career that started here in the  NRWL. Max, how does it feel to be back in the NRWL after all this time?

Max Destruction: It is great to be back, Jay. I have always been a competitor. I love competition no matter what the sport. The NRWL is the pinnacle of competition. Truthfully, it feels like home.

JP: Fans have been talking about your alliance with Bruno Kowalski. What brought you two together and why is it that you seem to work so well?

MD: When I stepped into the locker room and got introduced to Bruno, we both realized we had a lot in common. We relentlessly train and we strive to be the very best at what we do. Our shared goals have allowed us to function well as a tag team. Bruno knows I've got his back anytime he needs it and you haven't seen the last of us as a team. That being said, I do love a good one on one fight and I've got someone in my sights right now.

JP: Really? Who would that be?

MD: Well, you know, I've been around enough locker rooms to recognize when there's trouble brewing. There are four guys hanging out backstage and causing trouble in and out of the ring. They walk around like they own the place. I want to put a stop to it before it really gets going and that's why I want a fight with Tommy Violence.

JP: You are calling out Tommy Violence to a match?

MD: Not a match. A fight. Tommy, I remember when you came on the scene in NRWL a few years ago. I wanted to fight you then but the opportunity never presented itself. Now it has. You and your new buddies have a bad attitude backstage and I just want to shut you up. Let's go a round. You and me, one on one. No DQ.

JP: There you have it, fans. Max Destruction is challenging Tommy V to a fight at the next event! Max, thank you for your time.

*Max looks at the camera and jabs one of his fist toward it, stopping just short of the lens. He walks off.*

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Journey of Slam Jackson - Part I

The NRWL has been following Slam Jackson while he is on leave from the company. Jackson left the NRWL before the start of the fifth season because he felt he had let down the Slam Nation, his loyal fans. This series, "The Journey of Slam Jackson", documents one man on his path to return to the NRWL and make an impact like never before.

*Slam Jackson is in a wrestling ring inside of a small gym. The ceiling isn't very high, there is no padding outside the ring, and the other wrestlers are standing outside. Slam looks tired. He is sweating profusely and breathing heavy. Leaning against a corner turnbuckle, he looks ready to take a break.*

Slam Jackson: That was eight guys. Are we done?

*A man on the outside, clearly the trainer of this wrestling school, climbs into the ring. He is wearing a T-Shirt, sweatpants, and a baseball cap. He shakes his head, takes his cap off his head and runs his hand through his hair. He puts the cap back on and walks up to Slam Jackson. The man is wrestling legend and NRWL Hall of Famer, Mike Blood.*

Mike Blood: If you have to ask that question, then it's obvious we still have a lot of work to do. No. We're not done.

SJ: I've been running the drills everyday. I've gone through all the wrestling holds. I've fought off everyone you threw at me. What is it you want from me?

MB: Slam, when I agreed to take you on as a student, I knew I didn't need to teach you the basics. I knew I didn't need to teach you the advanced holds, submissions, or anything else like that. I knew from the first time I saw you in the NRWL that you had all those tools. What you didn't have, and you still don't have, is the attitude. You can have your fun but not at the expense of the hard work. That's why Johnny walked away with your championship. Quite easily, I might add. We aren't done. Tom, get in the ring and show Slam what a hungry wrestler is like in the ring.

*Tom Shire, long time student of Mike Blood and a former NRWL Minor League wrestler, steps into the ring. Both men grapple. Slam tries to fight him off but Shire gets the upper hand and pins Slam after a few minutes.*

Tom Shire: I never take this lightly, Jackson. I was so close to making it to the NRWL main roster. SO CLOSE! I'm not there yet and you know what? I haven't given up. I'm going to be there. I am going to earn my spot. At the rate you are going, you'll never see those bright lights again.

*Slam, sitting on the mat with his head in his hands pants heavily. He slams a fist down on the mat. Mike Blood and Tom Shire walk out of the ring.*

It was a tough day for Slam Jackson but he kept coming back. One month later, Slam Jackson found himself face to face with Tom Shire once again. It was a hard fought battle and everyone in the gym was on their feet, anxious to see who would win.

*Slam Jackson irish whips Tom Shire into the ropes and delivers a hard clothesline. Slam immediately capitalizes with an STF. Shire, in desperate need to escape, manages to reach the ropes. Slam breaks the hold. As Shire begins to stand up, Slam drops him with the Street Sweeper. Slam goes for the pin and Mike Blood, acting as referee, counts to three.*

Later that day after everyone has cleaned up the gym, packed their bags, and began to leave, Mike Blood pulled Slam Jackson aside and took him to his office.

MB: Slam, I have to say, I am very impressed with you over the last few weeks. I've been pretty hard on you and there was a time when I thought you wouldn't come back. I am sorry for doubting you but I'm happy that you stuck with it. I think you've come a long, long way.

SJ: Thank you, Mike. I was serious about this from the start. I want to get back to the NRWL and I want the NRWL Championship again. Working with you was the right thing to do. I'm glad I am here.

MB: I'm happy to hear that and I hope you got what you were expecting from my school. For now, I think we've come to the end. My door is always open to you and you are welcome to train with my group anytime you'd like. You have business elsewhere now. I know you haven't been watching but the NRWL has moved quickly in your absence. It has become a rougher, meaner environment. You need to be prepared.

SJ: What should I do?

MB: There are friends of mine down south that you should spend some time with. I think if you hang out with them for a little while, you'll thicken your skin enough to take those extreme matches that await you.

SJ: Ok. Where do I find these guys?

*Mike hands Slam a piece of paper.*

MB: Call this number and ask for Terry or Bobby. Tell them I sent you.

A Hungry Tiger Stalks His Prey

*Jay Phillips is in the ring with a microphone.*

Jay Phillips: Ladies and gentleman, my guest at this time is the current number one contender for the NRWL Championship. He will be facing Ash at the next event in an attempt to win it all. Please give a warm welcome to Tiger Johnson!

*The crowd cheers and Tiger Johnson walks out from backstage. He is smiling and slapping hands with the fans on his way to the ring. He stands in the ring, saltines the crowd and then shakes Jay's hand.*

JP: Tiger Johnson, it has been a long road for you. You started in Masters of Wrestling, built a long legacy that has extended to the NRWL. But now you are preparing for what is arguably the biggest match in your career. At the next event you will face Ash for the NRWL Championship. How does it feel to have this opportunity?

Tiger Johnson: Jay, no argument at all. This is the biggest match of my career. I've done a lot. I've been around a long time. I could have hung up the boots and enjoyed retirement. I would have been happy with the legacy I already had. But the truth is, I would always know in the back of my mind that I could have done more. The NRWL graciously gave me that opportunity to come back and give it another go and I am making the most of it. I'm feeling great. I'm feeling hungry for gold and I will become NRWL Champion!

*The crowd cheers but it is a somewhat muted response. Despite Tiger Johnson's popularity, the current champion, Ash, is extremely popular with the fans as well.*

JP: Tiger, you sound ready to go but do you have any words for your opponent the NRWL Champion, Ash?

*The crowd cheers when Ash's name is mentioned. Tiger smiles and addresses the crowd.*

TJ: Hey, I feel you! I'm a fan of Ash too. I think he's a great wrestler and is worthy of the NRWL Championship but when the bell rings, he is competition to me. Ash, you are an incredible talent and its obvious why these fans respect you. I am honored to have the opportunity to step into the ring with you. But you have something I want and you had better understand that failure is not an option here. I want to be the next NRWL Champion. You are in for the fight of your life. When it's over, I will shake your hand in respect but that gold strap? It's going to be around my waist. Ash, I'll see you in the ring.

*Tiger Johnson shakes Jay's hand again and steps out of the ring, shaking hands with fans on the outside. He walks to the top of the ramp, salutes the crowd, and walks backstage.*

JP: Well there you have it, fans. Tiger Johnson sounds ready to battle Ash for the NRWL Championship. I am sure we'll get a response from Ash soon. What will the NRWL Champion have to say?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

November 18 2012 Results

November 18th was a whirlwind night with incredible action that only the NRWL could bring you. It all started with a vengeful Mark Blood challenging Killer Malone to match. Prior to the event, John Fraust and Killer Malone planned an attack on Mark Blood. Fraust, a former trainer of Mark Blood, said that Blood was a disappointment. A sneak attack by Malone left Blood with a taste for revenge. At the start of the match, it was obvious that Mark Blood was not going to go down easily. He and Malone traded big blows and even harder slams throughout the match. Blood managed to survive a Beating by Malone and continued to fight on. Ultimately a second Beating was too much and Mark Blood was defeated.

At the last event, Paul Priest exchanged words, and fists (!!!), with Scotty Paris' valet, Trixie. On this night, Scotty was prepared to punish Priest for his actions. Joining Priest at ringside was one of his new cohorts, Tommy Violence. Priest and Scotty wrestled an evenly paced match trading pinfalls and finishing moves. The real action, however, happened outside the ring. Tommy V and Trixie began to argue outside the ring. The fans were conflicted as to where to focus their attention. As Paul Priest and Scotty Paris put on a clinic in the ring, Tommy and Trixie continued to argue all over the arena. Tommy tossed Trixie backstage, removing her from the match. Free from distraction, Tommy tried to interfere on Priest's behalf but was thrown out himself by the referee. Down to a one-on-one match, Scotty Paris came out on top with a pinfall over Paul Priest.

Ash's NRWL Championship victory at the last event was a turning point in his career and the NRWL as a whole. The accomplishment did not go unnoticed as Tommy V criticized Ash. When Ash came out to the ring and responded, Marcus, Mikey Armstrong, and Paul Priest joined him and proceeded to attack the new Champion. Marty Anderson and Balance came down to help Ash, setting up a six man tag match between Marty, Ash, and Balance against Tommy V, Marcus, and Mikey.

Tommy Violence started the match by running at Marty Anderson and getting the first shot. Both men brawl in the ring and Tommy maintaining an early control of the match. Multiple men enter the ring during a kickout attempt and in the brawl that followed, Ash accidentally knocked out the referee. The match continued with both teams showing great teamwork. The match stayed even throughout, keeping fans guessing at who would win. During another heated moment in the ring, Marcus inadvertently punched out the referee. The match continued until Balance was caught out of nowhere with a  powerslam by Marcus. Unable to kick out before the three count, Marcus, Tommy, and Mikey celebrated their big victory in the ring.

Fans around the world were talking about the upset victory Bruno Kowalski and Max Destruction had over the Sons of Darkness at the last event. To prove it was a fluke victory, SoD manager Nick Belhor demanded a no disqualification tornado tag rematch. As one would expect, this match was chaos from the moment the bell rang. Showing their larger opponents that their previous victory was no fluke, Bruno and Max held their own in the first minutes of the match. Max slammed Abbadon with the Maximum Destroyer on a chair. Max went for the pin while Bruno, using the same chair, beat Apollyon down to keep him from breaking up the count. Bruno and Max walked away with an impressive victory.

Katsutoshi continued to make a name for himself by challenging John Fraust to an Extreme Rules KO match. Saying that Fraust was washed up, he said he would put him down for good to do him a favor and reap the rewards for himself. Fraust attacked Katsutoshi backstage in response. When the bell rang, Katsutoshi wasted no time, displaying his speed advantage early in the match. After sparring in the ring, Katsutoshi grabbed a ladder and proceeded to beat John Fraust with it. Fraust responded by hitting Katsutoshi in the head with a steel chair, busting open his forehead. The match continued on the outside of the ring for the remainder of the match. After a back and forth fight, Fraust was caught by a spin kick to the head, knocking him out. Katsutoshi walked away with another big win.

To determine the number one contender for the NRWL Championship, Hardcore Adam, Johnny Young, Jacob Washington, and Tiger Johnson met in a Fatal Four Way match. This high energy match showcased four of the most hungry NRWL competitors on the roster. It was obvious that Johnny Young, the previous champion, was singled out as he took most of the attacks early on. Tiger Johnson powerbombed Johnny Young but learned an important lesson: in a Fatal Four Way match, you need to watch everyone. The pin attempt was broken up by the other competitors. The match had many close pinfalls. Late in the match, Johnny and Adam fought each other on one side of the ring while Jacob and Tiger fought on the other side. With Adam and Johnny distracted, Tiger Johnson pinned Jacob Washington to become number one contender.

Elements of Surprise?

*”One Trick Pony” by Deadmau5 pumps over the PA system and Tommy V walks down to the ring to a choir of boo’s from the crowd.  He climbs into the ring and takes a mic.*

Tommy:  Well, how about that?  Ash is the new champion, and his first item of business is to not defend the belt.  What a champion!  I’m not sure whether to chalk it up to fear, or business savvy.  Because being the champ is quite a lucrative job.  Might as well milk it as long as you can, right Ash?

*”What You Got” by Reveille suddenly kicks on and the crowd cheers as Ash makes his way down to the ring.  He takes a mic and climbs in*

Ash:  Well, well, well here’s another one.  Let me guess, you want a crack at the title too?  See if you can figure this out.  What is the difference between you and Jacob Washington, Hardcore Adam, and Tiger Johnson?  I’ll give you a hint…..They all won their matches last week!

*crowd cheers at the dig.  Tommy scowls*

Ash:  In fact, Tiger beat you, didn’t he?  I don’t even know why you are—

*Ash is cutoff when “Hero” by Skillet starts playing.  Marcus makes his way down to the ring*

Marcus:  Pop quiz, Ash.  What do I have in common with those three guys?  I won my match too!  Yet I don’t see you dolling out a chance at the title to me.  Nope.  Let’s call a spade a spade.  You picked your friends and favorites instead of people who legitimately deserve a crack at that belt of yours.  It’s time for a change, and it’s time for a real hero to step up and wield that title.

*Triumphant music begins playing and Mikey Armstrong makes his way to the ring*

Mikey:  Ash, I remember you.  I’m pretty sure I beat you last season, right?  In fact, I beat everybody who came at me last season.  I’m pretty amazing in that regard.  Did you do anything like that?  No.  I think you actually lost your first match.  Yet what recognition do I get from you?  None.  Marcus is right.  You don’t know a thing about who deserves anything.  You might as well have just picked names out of hat.

*”Stardog Champion” plays and Paul Priest comes down to the ring.  He walks up to Ash and smiles at him.  Without warning, he kicks Ash in the gut.  Ash doubles over and the other 3 start wailing blows down onto Ash.  Ash falls down and turtles while the other 4 continue to stomp him.  Suddenly, Marty Anderson and Balance come running down the ring.  The crowd cheers loudly at the rescue as Marty punches Marcus in the face and who falls and Marty begins stomping away.  Balance grabs Mikes and throws him into the turnbuckle and starts punching him.  Tommy and Paul continue beating on Ash.  Then suddenly, Scotty Paris runs out from behind the curtain and the crowd goes nuts!  Scotty books it down the ramp.  Paul looks up and notices him and squares off.  Scotty slides into the ring and charges at Paul.  Paul tries to clothesline Scotty, who ducks under it, rebounds off the robes and delivers and vicious spear to Paul that almost breaks him in half!  Scotty rains down punches and the two roll out of the ring, brawling.  Meanwhile, Marty tosses Marcus out of the ring and runs over and punches Tommy and throws him out of the ring.  Balance clotheslines Mikey over the turnbuckles and he splats on the floor.  Paul escapes Scotty and runs over to the ramp and turns and faces the ring.  Tommy, Marcus, and Mikey do the same.  The 4 of them link hands and hold them up in the air.  Ash, Marty, and Balance stand in the ring yelling at them.  Scotty stands on the floor below and points and screams at Paul.  Scene fades out.*

Storm Watch with Guest Tiger Johnson

*An announcer's voice comes on throughout the NRWL Arena. At the top of the entrance ramp, a desk, a couch, and a live band are setup*

Announcer: It's time for Storm Watch with Storm Harrison! Our guest tonight, Tiger Johnson! Music by Tony Raine and the Tornadoes! And now, your host, SSSTTTOOORRRM!!! HARRRRIIIISSSOONN!!!!

*Storm Harrison walks out to the stage smiling and clapping as Tony Raine and the Tornadoes play music for him. He points out to the crowd who gives him a warm response. He bows and stands at the top of the ramp waiting for the crowd to die down. He then takes a seat at his desk.*

Storm Harrison: Wow. Yes! Thank you! It's great to be here. Let's give it up for my band, the ever talented Tony Raine and the Tornadoes! Yeah!

*The crowd cheers and Storm claps along with them.*

SH: Tony. How ya doing?

Tony Raine: Great as always, Storm. Ready for the show?

SH: You bet and what a show we have. Folks tonight is a big deal. Tonight the second event of the NRWL's fifth season is happening and there are some really great matches on this card. Arguably, the biggest match of the night is the Fatal Four Way match to determine the number one contender for the NRWL Championship. Well we've got one of the competitors here on this very show tonight. Without further adieu, I'd like to bring him out. Ladies and gentleman, lets get some noise going for Tiger Johnson!!! Tony, play him in!

*The Tornadoes begin playing "Loser" by Beck instead of Tiger's own music. Tiger steps out from backstage and gives a confused look to Tony Raine and his band. He shakes his head and then walks over to meet Storm Harrison. Both men shake hands. Storm sits back down behind his desk and Tiger sits down on the couch next to the desk. Once the fans quiet down, both men begin to interact.*

SH: Tiger Johnson, welcome to Storm Watch. How are you?

Tiger Johnson: Glad to be here, Storm. Big night tonight and I'm happy to be here to promote the big match.

SH: Ah yes, the Fatal Four Way match. We are going to get to that but I'd like to ask you about how you got to this point. It seems like everyone knows you from your history in Masters of Wrestling but before that you were in the military. Is that right?

TJ: I was, yes. Proud member of the United States Army.

SH: And we thank you for serving our proud country. Isn't that right?

*The crowd cheers.*

TJ: Well thank you. So I finished up my military career and didn't really know what to do next. Because of my size, someone suggested I step into the wrestling ring. Mr. Sunderland was running MoW at the time and hired me.

SH: And you've had a mediocre career ever since. No one who was a fan of MoW could ever forget the terrible knee injury you suffered. It really transformed your career.

TJ: Excuse me. What did you say?

SH: You became known as The Leg. You even joined the Mob for a time. It will probably go down as your legacy that you were a broken man who did what he could to scrape by ever since. Wouldn't you agree?

TJ: Now listen here. You've got it wrong.

SH: Hey, I've been there. I suffered an even more tragic injury that saddened wrestling fans worldwide. Johnny Young pushed me down the stairs. I broke my leg, badly damaged my knee, broke ribs. I was confined to a wheelchair for months while I endured surgeries and painful rehabilitation. It was terrible. Unlike you though, I will be remembered for everything I do going forward! My best days are ahead!

*The fans boo Storm.*

TJ: Being a talk show host? Let me tell you a little something about me since you seem to be completely uninformed. The doctors told me I would never wrestle again. I couldn't walk, let alone wrestle but I still showed up at the MoW shows every week. I spent every minute of everyday working to prove everyone wrong. I did everything I could to get back in that ring. I came back and I persevered. I fought tooth and nail to get back from my injury. If anything, people remember me for being a dominating force in MoW, Tex's Hardcore Wrestling, Darkside Wrestling, and now the NRWL. They told me I wouldn't wrestle again. That was 1995. It's now 2012 and I'm still here and I feel great. What did you do? You sat at home for months doing nothing. You came back, pretending to be crippled, and then attacked someone in the ring. Now, you're sitting behind a desk. Real memorable.

*Fans begin cheering. Storm bites his lower lip and closes his eyes for a moment and then just shakes his head until the fans quiet down.*

SH: You're a terrible guest, Tiger Johnson. I'm going to cut this short but before I do, we need to talk about this match of yours tonight. We have Hardcore Adam, Jacob Washington, that brute Johnny Young, and yourself. No one really believes that you have a chance in this thing. Why are you even bothering?

TJ: You son of a.... You know what? I shouldn't even take anymore of this. I should just walk out but I'm not gonna. I'm going to tell you why I am in this match. I've had a career I'm proud of. Yes, I could just enjoy retirement but I don't want to. I feel damn good, Storm. I can still hang with the boys. I'm feeling hungry for action. More importantly, I'm feeling hungry for some gold. I'm going into this match to win. Adam, Johnny, Jacob, you're going home disappointed tonight. And Ash? Get ready because after tonight, Tiger Johnson is coming for that NRWL Championship!

*The fans cheer for Tiger Johnson. Storm rolls his eyes.*

SH: Oh please. Well, that's our show for tonight. Thanks again to Tiger Johnson for showing up and providing some laughs. Thanks to Tony Raine and The Tornadoes! Next time, we've got Marty Anderson on the show. Yeah, I know, but hopefully you'll tune in anyway. Until then, good night everybody!

*Fans begin to boo. Tony Raine and The Tornadoes start play music and the microphones mute while Tiger points his finger at Storm and appears to be scolding him. Storm sits there with his eyebrow raised and smirking as the screen fades out.*

A Helping Hand

*Hardcore Adam is in the locker room lacing up his boots. A door opens off screen and he looks up. He cautiously stands up to face John Fraust.*

John Fraust: Hey man. I see you are going to be in the big Fatal Four Way match tonight. Winner gets a title shot. I just wanted to tell you good luck.

Hardcore Adam: Well, thanks. I appreciate the support.

JF: Of course. Look, I can admit when I'm wrong and I was wrong before our match. You're one of the good ones. You haven't lost a step. Who knows? Maybe your brightest days are ahead of you. I was wrong and I apologize.

HA: *Speaking a cold, stand off tone* It's fine. It's the business, right? It's what we do.

JF: Yeah. Well, if you need anything out there tonight, or beforehand, you just let me know. I've got your back.

HA: Yeah, you know, with all due respect, I think I'll be fine. Are we done here?

JF: What's with the cold shoulder? I'm trying to help you out here.

HA: Do you think I wear sunglasses to the ring because I'm blind? I see what you've been up to. You come out, attack the NRWL, the wrestlers, the fans, you seem to have made acquaintances with Killer Malone, and the both of you vicious attack Mark Blood. I don't know what that kid did to you. He's just trying to make it in a business that rewards very few people. You're a snake. You aren't even good at hiding the fact.

JF: You really don't get it, Adam. I think we can help each other out. Be careful what you say. Be careful what you do. You call me a snake but you've got it completely backwards. If you'd listen to what I have to tell you, you'd understand.

HA: Understand this. Not. Interested.

*John Fraust walks out of the locker room. As the door closes behind him, he looks back and sneers at the door. Killer Malone walks up beside him.*

Killer Malone: Well? What did he say?

JF: Didn't even listen.

KM: What to go back in there and make him listen?

*John Fraust thinks about it for a moment.*

JF: No. I think we'll take a different approach here. This is going to be harder than I thought. Let's get ready for our matches tonight.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


*"What You Got" by Reveille blasts over the speakers and the crowd is instantly on its feet.  Ash emerges backstage with the NRWL Championship belt held overhead.  He makes his way down the ramp, slapping fans' hands and pumping up the crowd on his way.  He climbs into the ring and continues riling up the crowd.  After a minute, he puts the belt around his waist, takes the mic and the cheers quell...*

Ash:  Hey everyone.  Guess what?  The fans' favorite wrestler....IS THE NRWL CHAMPION!!!

*crowd explodes with cheers*

Ash:  Boy, does this feel good!  A guy can get used to this *shines belt around his waist with the sleeve of his hoodie*  My hat, if I had one, goes off to Johnny Young.  He gave me a tough fight.  But I knew it wasn't going to be a walk in the park because--

*"Breathe Into Me" by Red starts playing and Jacob Washingtong steps out to the stage.  He walks down to the ring and stops on the mat outside of the ring.  He takes a mic.*

Jacob:  I'm really sorry to interrupt your celebration here, Ash, but I just can't stand by idly and let you make an idiot out of yourself.  Listen to you!  It's embarrassing!  You're doing everything in your power to squeeze every last bit of approval from these people out here.  Are you really that insecure?  Just stop it already.

Ash:  Who.....*who* are you?  I'm sorry sir, but you must be lost.  It's a big arena so it's understandable.  Please see an usher and they will help you locate your seat.

*crowd laughs at Jacob*

Jacob:  *smiling*  Oh ho ho!  Aren't you a clever boy?  Cracking jokes and dishing out fourth-grade level digs.  Way to act the champion.  What exactly did you do to earn that title shot?  I'll answer that for you.  Nothing.  And now you're out here parading it around like you're great or something.

Ash:  I am great!  Just like these fans here!  You're not bad yourself.  You did quite well in your match.'re a rookie, and that's all I got for you.

Jacob:  So you beat Johnny Young!  Big whoop!  He hasn't done anything worth anything his entire NRWL career.  And actually, neither have you!  In fact, I'll go a step further and say that EVERYONE who has ever held the best since Season 3, is a complete and total joke!  As of now, that belt really has no value, if any dork can hold it and it's not offered to deserving talent!

Ash:  Let's cut to the chase, Jacob, cause I'm done wasting time with you.  Your out here because you want a crack at this I'll bet.  Am I right?

Jacob:  Yeah!

Ash:  Why do you deserve a title shot?

Jacob:  I--

Ash:  I'll answer for you.  You don't!

*crowd cheers with approval.  Jacob smiles and rolls his eyes.  He walks over to the steps and climbs them slowly and steps into the ring.  He steps toe-to-toe with Ash and looks him in the eye, still smiling wily. Just then, "Stain" by Full Devil Jackets plays.  Ash and Jacob turn their gaze towards the top of the ramp, and Johnny Young steps out to a thunderous applause from the crowd.  He walks down to the ring, grabs a mic, and steps in and leans back against the turnbuckle.*

Johnny:   Aaawww about we start talking about how the Star Player fits into all this?  Ash, who is this guy you let into the ring?

Ash:  Jared Wilkenson.

*Jacob turns to Johnny and stands right in his face*

Jacob:  My name is Jacob Washington.  You got something to say to me?

Johnny:  Jacob....Jacob...?  Oh!  You're the guy who said a minutes ago that I never accomplished anything in the NRWL.  Interesting...I didn't think being a 2-time NRWL Champion qualified as "not accomplishing anything."  Congratulations on your incredible display of ignorance.  I'm wondering when I'm going to get a rematch, because Jacob, you clearly aren't next in line for anything!  You are irrelevant.

Jacob:  Might I point out, that you lost your THIS guy?  *Jacob points at Ash*  That's all the proof anyone needs to know that you are a bigger joke than he is.  But me, I'm the real deal!  I'm gonna--

*"Wake Up* by myDownfall starts blasting and "Hardcore" Adam comes out to cheers.  He also climbs into the ring with a mic.*

Adam:  All this talk about "rookies" and "deserving" and "next in line," know, I'm usually pretty low key.  I don't ask for a lot.  I go out, I do my job, and I go home.  But it certainly seems that the only way you get cracks at the belt is by coming out here, beating your chest, and crying for a shot.  That's not my style, but if that's what it takes, then here we go.  Ash, congratulations on your first title win, but I'm better than you.  Johnny, you're the star player, but I'm better than you.  Jacob, you're tough as nails, but I'm better than you.  I want a shot at that belt.

*Tiger Johnson's theme hits and Tiger walks down to the ring.  He climbs in with a mic*

Tiger:  Ok, listen up everybody.  Everyone in this ring can might have a valid claim for a title shot.  But here's another way to look at who should get a title shot.  I've been in the business for a long time.  "Hardcore" Adam can attest to that.  Hell, I remember when he was just called "Adam" and was known as the "Master of Submissions."  But besides that, I'm the biggest man in the NRWL, I'm the toughest man in the NRWL, and I have the most devastating moves in the NRWL.  I'm sure Adam can vouch for the power of the leg.  So that belt should belong to the toughest guy in the federation, and that's me!

*Jacob, Johnny, Adam, and Tiger all get in each others' faces and start quarreling*

Ash:  Guys!  Guys!  Cool it!  I'm the champion, and not only am I the champion, but I'm also the fans favorite!  *crowd cheers*  I have my finger on the vein of what the fans want because I'm on the same page as they are!  And rather than listen to you guys all talk about how great you are, we want to see you show us how great you are!  So, I propose a Fatal 4-Way match between you, with the winner getting #1 contender and a shot at the belt the following show!

*crowd cheers are prospective match*

Ash:  But remember, once one of you proves that you're better than the other three, you still have the hard part after that - ME!  *Ash hold the belt overhead to a loud cheer*  Good luck, gentlemen.  I'll see one of you at the following show!

*"What You Got" blasts and Ash exits the ring, holding the belt up in one hand the his fist up in the other, pumping up the crowd as he walks backwards up the ramp.  The four men in the ring stare at him as he walks away, and then they all turn and face each other silently as the scene fades*

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Never Hit A Lady - Well Almost Never

*Jay Phillips is standing in Paul Priest's locker room. The room itself is lined with mirrors and a vanity desk with lots of hair product covering the top. Paul is looking at himself in the mirror. As he turns his head to check out his right side, he sees Jay standing behind him. He shudders to himself and turns around.*

Paul Priest: Oh god... Who are you and why, might I ask, are you so ugly?

Jay Phillips: I'm Jay... hey! What? Mr. Priest, I am here to get some answers as to why you attacked Trixie, multiple times I might add, in your match with Scotty Paris.

PP: Are you with Hollywood Insider? I thought the NRWL would keep you away from stars like myself until we were prepared.

JP: Hollywood...? No! I'm Jay Phillips of the NRWL.

PP: Eh? Well, whatever. Your question? It was about Trixie, yes?

JP: Yes. The whole world wants to know why you attacked a woman like that! It was truly shocking. One of the most shocking things in NRWL history. Would you care to elabor -- Paul? Paul?

*Paul Priest has turned his attention back toward his mirrored walls. He smiles to himself and brushes his hair aside.*

PP: Jay, look. I'm not aggressive toward women. I love women. I love all women. And they love me! This Trixie tramp, well, I don't know what her problem is. Maybe she's a lesbian, not that I haven't had my way with them either. Haha! Hahaha! Ah... last Summer in Venice. Anyway Jim --

JP: Jay.

PP: -- The fact is, I was settling my differences with this Scotty Paris guy and she comes down to the ring. I thought she had a change of heart and was coming to support me. It was shortly after that I realized she came down to support Scotty! Well, I don't know what to say, I was angry. What an insult! I put myself out there, she turns me down, and aligns herself with my opponent?

JP: You know she has been at Scotty's side since they came into the NRWL, right?

PP: What? Hmm... That does make more sense, I suppose. So she was there, distracting me and you know what? I just had enough. I just knew she was going to screw me over in that match and so I did what I had to do. I defended myself! The referee should have banned her from coming out there in the first place! What did the referee do? He disqualified me! If he had done his job in the first place, I would have won that match. Instead, I had to do it. I'm the tragic hero here, do you understand? If I could just get another match with Scotty Paris with Trixie banned from ringside, I can right this wrong.

JP: So you aren't taking any blame at all for this?

PP: You should leave. I have guests coming in a few minutes. Beautiful, very naked women. We'll probably break most of these mirrors because of all the action.

JP: Wow. Can... can I watch?

PP: That's sick! Get out of here!!!

*Paul opens the door and shoves Jay out the door. Just as he is tossed out, four, scantily clad women walk past him and into Paul's dressing room.*

PP: Ladies... come on in. I have some new moves to try. Can any of you touch your toes to the back of your head for an extended period of time?

*The door closes and Jay is standing there just staring at it.*

JP: This man is my god....

Bloody Japan

*Katsutoshi and Leiko are walking through the halls backstage. Katsutoshi walks proud having just challenged John Fraust to a match. Leiko looks at him with adoration. As they turn a corner, Katsutoshi bumps right into Fraust who is just standing there with a dead stare.*

Katsutoshi: Uhh... Geez. What are you standing here for?

John Fraust: I heard what you said out there.

K: Ah, right. Well look...

JF: No, hey, I get it. It's a great opportunity to make a name for yourself. I get it. I've been around long enough to know the game. Listen, I just wanted to introduce myself.

*Katsutoshi looks at Leiko, who merely shrugs at him. Both look a little confused.*

JF: John --- *Fraust belts Katsutoshi in the jaw with a right hand. Katsutoshi falls down and nearly knocks over Leiko. She looks at Fraust, fearfully. Fraust looks at her and then fakes a lunge toward her. She stumbles back but catches herself against a wall before falling over. She looks at Fraust and then pulls on Katsutoshi's arm. Katsutoshi is shaking his head trying to get his bearings but ultimately follows Leiko back from where they came.* --- Fraust.

*After a moment, a door opens in the hallway next to John Fraust. Mark Blood steps out and sees Fraust standing there.*

Mark Blood: Hey! Good to see you, man. I've been meaning to catch up with you since you came back. How are things?

JF: Not so good, Mark. Not good at all.

MB: What? Why? What's wrong?

JF: Well, for starters, I've been watching you over the last year. Your father and I trained you to get to this point and, well, frankly I expected more.

MB: Fraust, look, it's been a little rough lately but I have a plan. I know where I need to be and I'm working on it.

JF: Your plan sucks, Mark. You obviously haven't learned anything at all! Who the hell needs a "pure" wrestler these days? You need to adapt! You need to constantly evolve to make it in this business. Your father knew that. Just because this company made him look like some washed up technical wrestler doesn't mean that is who he was. He was in more brutal matches than I could ever imagine being in! I don't know where this righteous fight for purity came from but you're in the wrong business. You'll never make it.

MB: You know what? I should have known you'd think this way. You were exactly the problem with wrestling for years. You straightened out, cleaned up, started doing things the right way. What happened? You come back from... where did you go anyway?! You come back here and suddenly you're back to your old, grungy self. If anything, I am the one who expected more.

JF: I kind of thought you'd say that....... you're pathetic.

*Fraust walks away and down the hallway. Mark Blood, boiling with rage, follows him down the hallway.

MB: No! Don't walk away from me! Stop! What's your problem?!

*As Mark walks past a closet door that is partially open, Killer Malone pushes it up the rest of the way, knocking Mark off balance. Malone, armed with a bat, pokes Mark in the ribs and then whacks the bat across his shoulder blades. Mark Blood growls in pain and tries to stand up but is then clotheslined by Killer Malone. Malone kneels down and starts punching him. Malone stands up and John Fraust stands beside him. Both men look down at Mark Blood, who is motionless.*

Killer Malone: He's going to want to fight me now, you know.

JF: Yeah, but he'll come around... even if we have to beat it into him.

*Both men walk away as Mark Blood starts to stir on the floor. He has no idea where he is or even what happened. Once he is able to sit up and shake his head, his eyebrows lower and he clinches his teeth in anger.*

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Generation Gap

*”PV” by Dazzle Vision blasts over the arena sound system and Katsutoshi walks down to the ring with Leiko behind him.  He walks down smiling confidently, nodding his head and with his arms out at his side in the “what’s up?” pose.  He climbs into the ring and take the mic.  The music dies down, and there several audible boo’s*

Katsutoshi:  Well, well, well!  To all you doubters out there, what do you have to say for yourself now?  I whooped your precious Balance, and whether you care to admit it or not, you actually enjoyed seeing it!

*now the entire crowd boo’s loudly*

Katsutoshi:  Oh boo yourselves!  You people lack the foresight!  If you could see past your ugly noses, you’d all be running to jump on the Katsutoshi bandwagon faster than you run to the unemployment lines for your undeserved handouts


Katsutoshi:  No.  Unlike you people, I have ambition and goals.  And the NRWL Champion will be mine sooner than you know it.  Now, I’ll admit it…beating Balance isn’t really anything to brag about.  Even the greatest of the greats sometimes have to start by scraping the bottom of the barrel.  But now it’s time to take on someone who actually somehow still has some marquee value
……………………………….John Fraust.

*crowd has a mixed reaction to the name – half cheers, half boos*

Katsutoshi:  Yup, here’s a guy who makes a long-awaited return to the ring….and falls flat on his face.  This might surprise a lot of you, but I was actually a huge fan of Fraust.  I used to watch him in the underground circuits of the WFW.  I used to yell and cheer at the TV when watching him in the incredible hardcore matches of the IRW.  I aspired to be like him as when he was the unstoppable Division 2 Champion during the NRWL’s inaugural season.  It’s true!  But the key word in all this…..”was.”  Now, I’m embarrassed for him.  Losing quite soundly to another wash-up, “Hardcore” Adam, and then raising Adam’s hand, post-match, in some sort of an attempt to save face from the humiliating defeat he was just dealt.  His career is in its death throes, and it’s painfully obvious to anyone with working eyes and a thinking brain.  But….his name still puts butts in the seats and still pulls weight…for some reason--which is why I’m calling him out.

*Katsutoshi turns and looks out the corner of this eyes up the ramp with cockiness*

Katsutoshi:  Fraust, your time as a main-eventer is done, we all know that.  But I can still use you and your past accolades that you’ve been riding, to propel myself up in the ranks…hopefully, that is.  I mean, after your excuse of a match last week, I can only hope that beating you isn’t less of an accomplishment than beating Balance.  You were a great champion back in your day.  But you know what?  So was Triple-Crown winner, Secretariat.  And do you know where he is now?  On a 3rd grader’s art class project, holding glitter onto a construction-paper Christmas tree!  I’m going to do to you what “Hardcore” Adam should’ve done but couldn’t—put you and your wrestling career out to pasture in an Extreme Rules K.O. match!  If you think about it, it’s a win for both of us.  I get to move ahead with my success and continue building my legacy that will surpass yours, and you can go down fighting.  So, what do you say, Fraust?  Remember, I’m only offering you this opportunity to go out swinging and have people say “He fought ‘til the end!  What a gladiator!” because I was a big fan of yours.  And I really don’t want to see you become Mike Blood.  And believe me, you are on that path.  Let’s do this, so we can both move on to better things.  Championships and honors for me, and rest and retirement for you!  And who knows?  After I put you away, maybe I can put another old piece of unwanted furniture out to the curb……..”Hardcore” Adam.  But, one step at a time.  See you soon, Fraustie!

*”PV” blasts and Katsutoshi and Leiko leave the ring, both sporting shit-eating grins as then make their way up the ramp*