Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Generation Gap

*”PV” by Dazzle Vision blasts over the arena sound system and Katsutoshi walks down to the ring with Leiko behind him.  He walks down smiling confidently, nodding his head and with his arms out at his side in the “what’s up?” pose.  He climbs into the ring and take the mic.  The music dies down, and there several audible boo’s*

Katsutoshi:  Well, well, well!  To all you doubters out there, what do you have to say for yourself now?  I whooped your precious Balance, and whether you care to admit it or not, you actually enjoyed seeing it!

*now the entire crowd boo’s loudly*

Katsutoshi:  Oh boo yourselves!  You people lack the foresight!  If you could see past your ugly noses, you’d all be running to jump on the Katsutoshi bandwagon faster than you run to the unemployment lines for your undeserved handouts


Katsutoshi:  No.  Unlike you people, I have ambition and goals.  And the NRWL Champion will be mine sooner than you know it.  Now, I’ll admit it…beating Balance isn’t really anything to brag about.  Even the greatest of the greats sometimes have to start by scraping the bottom of the barrel.  But now it’s time to take on someone who actually somehow still has some marquee value
……………………………….John Fraust.

*crowd has a mixed reaction to the name – half cheers, half boos*

Katsutoshi:  Yup, here’s a guy who makes a long-awaited return to the ring….and falls flat on his face.  This might surprise a lot of you, but I was actually a huge fan of Fraust.  I used to watch him in the underground circuits of the WFW.  I used to yell and cheer at the TV when watching him in the incredible hardcore matches of the IRW.  I aspired to be like him as when he was the unstoppable Division 2 Champion during the NRWL’s inaugural season.  It’s true!  But the key word in all this…..”was.”  Now, I’m embarrassed for him.  Losing quite soundly to another wash-up, “Hardcore” Adam, and then raising Adam’s hand, post-match, in some sort of an attempt to save face from the humiliating defeat he was just dealt.  His career is in its death throes, and it’s painfully obvious to anyone with working eyes and a thinking brain.  But….his name still puts butts in the seats and still pulls weight…for some reason--which is why I’m calling him out.

*Katsutoshi turns and looks out the corner of this eyes up the ramp with cockiness*

Katsutoshi:  Fraust, your time as a main-eventer is done, we all know that.  But I can still use you and your past accolades that you’ve been riding, to propel myself up in the ranks…hopefully, that is.  I mean, after your excuse of a match last week, I can only hope that beating you isn’t less of an accomplishment than beating Balance.  You were a great champion back in your day.  But you know what?  So was Triple-Crown winner, Secretariat.  And do you know where he is now?  On a 3rd grader’s art class project, holding glitter onto a construction-paper Christmas tree!  I’m going to do to you what “Hardcore” Adam should’ve done but couldn’t—put you and your wrestling career out to pasture in an Extreme Rules K.O. match!  If you think about it, it’s a win for both of us.  I get to move ahead with my success and continue building my legacy that will surpass yours, and you can go down fighting.  So, what do you say, Fraust?  Remember, I’m only offering you this opportunity to go out swinging and have people say “He fought ‘til the end!  What a gladiator!” because I was a big fan of yours.  And I really don’t want to see you become Mike Blood.  And believe me, you are on that path.  Let’s do this, so we can both move on to better things.  Championships and honors for me, and rest and retirement for you!  And who knows?  After I put you away, maybe I can put another old piece of unwanted furniture out to the curb……..”Hardcore” Adam.  But, one step at a time.  See you soon, Fraustie!

*”PV” blasts and Katsutoshi and Leiko leave the ring, both sporting shit-eating grins as then make their way up the ramp*